Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Shine Or Go Crazy Episode 15

We flash back a bit as Shin Yool tests out her new poison-detecting bracelet. The jewels start off white but turn dark when near deadly toxin. Now it's time to go have tea with Yeo Won.
After Yeo Won does her usual "Stay away from my husband" routine, Yool exposes her new jewelry. At least neither woman dances around the subject and get right to the point. Yool offers a deal. If Yeo Won will hand over the antidote, Yool will keep secret Yeo Won's involvement in the poison plot. The princess has one day to capitulate. (No, I say. Never give your enemy 24 hours to plan your death. Demand the antidote now! Eh, no one ever listens to me anyway.)
With King Crazy under the weather, Shik Ryum and his pet, Wang Uk, are rushing through the transfer of the capital to Pyongyang. So tries to get through to his older brother only to find King Crazy is deep in psychosis. Desperate to save his brother, and not knowing about Yool's intrigue, Wang So goes to his wife to ask Yeo Won for an antidote. He doesn't come right out and say he knows she's the one who poisoned the king. Instead he strokes her ego by explaining he knows she so clever and skilled in medicine, surely she can come up with an antidote. I'm sure Yeo Won is too smart to believe all this but at least she's been given a window of opportunity to cure the king without being named as his assassin.
Wang So leaves to meet with Ji Mong and Eun Chan and explain about Cheong Ok. As I was hoping, it was So who told Cheong Ok to become one of Yeo Won's minions. In So's opinion, Yeo Won will have a better chance at retrieving all the bronze talismans from the Legion of Doom. When she does, Cheong Ok will then steal them and bring the evidence to Wang So.
The prince goes on to reveal that while Wang Shik Ryum was the one behind the poisoning, it was Princess Yeo Won who supplied the stuff. Ji Mong, still under the delusion that So and Yeo Won were fated to be together, urges So to cut ties with Yool and stick with his wife. After all, the prince barely knows this merchant woman. So mutters he's known her for five years. Ji Mong and Eun Chan wonder what that's supposed to mean. I'm sure they'll be sticking their noses in Wang So's past.
Wang Uk and Se Won are trying to figure out where the black ninjas headquarters could be. Uk suddenly realizes they're probably hiding in plain sight right here in the city. The Foreshadowing Hammer makes Uk notice the flying fish talisman hanging off of Se Won's sword, which reminds the prince of what Yool told him at the abandoned temple. Uk asks the bodyguard if he is from Balhae. Se Won admits he once had a mother and sister but he believes they are dead.
Shin Yool is starting to get nervous, wondering if Yeo Won is going to give in or not. Gyu Dal comes in to tell her Wang So is in the storage building, the couple's hangout. The prince is needing some comforting after his stressful day. Without saying too much, Yool confides to So that she might be able to come up with the antidote by tomorrow. The Foreshadowing Hammer makes So ask if he needs to be worried about her safety. Yool assures him she'll be fine. (Famous last words.)
Yeo Won goes to her secret stash intending to get the antidote only to find it is already gone. After a few seconds of thinking, Yeo Won is horrified to conclude it could only be Wang Uk who could have taken the antidote. The princess wastes no time in confronting her brother. Uk pretends he doesn't know what she's talking about. Seeing she's not going to be getting it back, Yeo Won gives some parting advice to Uk: if he's going to use the antidote as a weapon, then use it well and at the right time.
Se Won asks to accompany Wang Uk to his scheduled meeting at the Chunghae Trading Company. Se Won feels confident that Wang So won't recognize the red ninja. It's good ol' Kang Myung who wonders, "Who is this new guy? He kind of looks familiar." While our main cast is holding their meeting, Se Won is sneaking around the place, leaving a message in Shin Yool's room.
Wang Uk is big in his boots as he announces plans to draft men from 16 to 60 to work on the new capital. Wang So argues back the only person who could order such a thing is the king himself and until King Crazy does these plans are dead in the water. Shin Yool is trapped between these two men and their Weapons of Mass Testosterone. She decides the only way to deal with this is for everyone to get their drink on. Well, mainly for her to get her drink on.
Shin Yool finds the unsigned note which tells her to be at a certain place at a certain time if she wants to get the antidote. What isn't part of Se Won's plan is for Yool to tell So she may be able to get her hands on the antidote tonight. Elsewhere, Yeo Won and Lackette are forging some documents in Yool's handwriting. Yeo Won goes to Uncle Shik Ryum with the forgeries which she claims will help them take control of Chunghae Trading Company.
Baek Myo asks Wang Uk if he's learned anymore about where Yool's mother may possibly be. This reminds Uk about Yool mentioning a brother and he asks the maid what the boy's name was. Baek Myo responds the brother was called Ho Yool but they believe he was killed by the Khitans. Wang Uk almost but not quite makes the connection between Ho Yool and Se Won.
Yool is surprised by a visit from Ji Mong. He bluffs about knowing she and Wang So were together five years ago in Gaebong. Thinking they've been found out, Yool drops to her knees and begs for So's life. Put the blame on her. She didn't know he was a prince when they got married. Ji Mong is like, "Say what?"
At first Ji Mong joins the chorus of Yool needing to get out of town. However he finally gets around to questioning whether his prediction of So and a certain princess being fated to be together may have meant Yool and not Yeo Won.
As the time of the secret meeting nears, we see that Yool had the sense to send her bodyguard Kyung on ahead to scout things out and be on hand in case Yool finds herself in danger. What Yool and Kyung don't know is Prince Wang So is keeping an eye on Yool tonight while Eun Chan observes what Yeo Won is up to.
Yool, dressed in male garb, leaves Chunghae to go to the meeting place. Right behind her is Wang So. Suddenly a masked Se Won on horseback rides out of the shadows and snatches Yool up. So gives chase but he's on foot and no match for a horse. Back at the merchant house, royal guards march in and take over the place.

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