Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Shine Or Go Crazy Episode 13

Shin Yool throws a party at Chunghae in an attempt to distract herself from thinking about Wang So and what he's up to with Yeo Won.
What he's up to ain't much as So quickly informs his (second) wife that he's just here to sleep.
Yool's party is crashed by Wang Uk who claims he's here for business, not stalking. He orders her to drink and eat as he can tell she's been too depressed to take care of herself. Yool says she now understands how Uk must have felt having to send his dead girlfriend to marry his father. She asks the prince for advice on how to get over the pain. Uk gives her the old, "Time heals all wounds" and "There are other fish in the sea" talk.
Wang So stalls and stalls and stalls. He asks Yeo Won if she's ever considered using her powers for Good (the kingdom) and not Evil (her clan). Yeo Won counters with her own question of since So loves Goryeo so much, why doesn't he seize the throne.
Yeo Won never does get any. So goes back to his own bedroom to stare longingly at his butterfly necklace.
The next day Yeo Won invites Yool over for tea. The princess lies through her teeth and claims the consummation went swimmingly. After gently threatening Yool's life, Yeo Won discloses that she knows Yool and So were married which is against Goryeo law. Yool promises, for So's sake, to end their relationship.
Back in her room, Yool studies on the medical book the doctor gave her and finds what she believe is the poison that is making the king be King Crazy.
Yool is a busy woman today as she has sent for Wang So to give him the Breakup Speech. Don't come back here ever again. So knows this is all about their secret marriage but pretends for Yool that he believes the breakup is because of him sleeping with his wife. She changes the subject and warns So she believes the king is being poisoned. She wasn't able to find an antidote in the medical book which means So must find out how the poison is getting to his brother in order to stop further contamination. What Yool doesn't tell So is she suspects Yeo Won is the source.
Wang Shik Ryum is reporting to the king about the transfer of the capital being held up by the evil Chunghae Trading Company. He also reminds the king the black ninjas are also evil and evil Wang So is probably their evil leader. Evil, evil, evil.
Under the influence of Shik Ryum and the drug, King Crazy orders Wang So to have the leader of the black ninjas come in for a meeting. If the man shows up, the king will know the black ninjas are good. If no one comes, then the king will have everyone arrested.
Separately, Team Wang So and Team Shin Yool are looking for an antidote for the king. Wang Uk is officially inducted into the Legion of Doom. Despite the Breakup, So meets with Yool to inform her his team has learned how the poison is being passed to the king through the scrolls he reads. They've recovered some of the powder. So gives Yool a sample for her own team to study. She tells him about Wang Uk being put in charge of the transfer of the capital. Out of the blue So asks if it is Uk who knows about their secret marriage. Yool is momentarily surprised So knows, then proceeds to lie and says no one else knows.
Yeo Won, still threatened by the shopkeeper, comes up with the ultimate idea on how to break Yool and So up permanently: Yool should get married to Uk. Surprisingly it is Uk who says, "I don't think so, Sis." This doesn't sit well with Yeo Won. Nothing is going her way.
Shik Ryum learns the Justice League has discovered the truth about the poison letters. He orders Se Won to do what has to be done to cover their tracks so the plot can't be traced back to the Legion of Doom. Although the Justice League has cut off any new poison to him, King Crazy still has enough in his system to keep him crazy and suspicious of his brother. He tells So that tomorrow at a certain time the king will be all alone in the throne room, waiting for the arrival of the leader of the black ninjas.
So agonizes over whether or not to reveal his secret identity to the king. If only he had his old drinking buddy Gaebong to talk this over with. But Gaebong is no more. Wang Uk stops by Chunghae for business, not stalking.
Wang So decides to appear before the king in his ninja uniform. In King Crazy's mind this just confirms Shik Ryum was telling the truth and So is not to be trusted. So attempts to tell the king about the poisoning but King Crazy won't listen. The monarch has a major meltdown. He grabs a sword and prepares to lop So's head off.

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