Sunday, March 31, 2013

The King's Dream Episode 19

This is the episode when the part of Princess Deokman is taken over by actress Hong Eun Hee because Park Joo Mi was in an accident.

When King Jinpyeong asks why the Hwarang aren't supporting Manhwa to be the crown prince, Chunchu hands over the purple napkin containing Queen Seungman's secret letter to King Mu of Baekje. Shew, that was an awfully long sentence. Chunchu goes on to j'accuse the queen of burning the army's food rations and having Geomgun murdered. Seungman denies everything and asks the king to punish Chunchu. All the Hwarang drop to their knees as Chunchu declares if anything he's said is a lie then they'll all kill themselves right here and now. Jinpyeong has no choice but to postpone the installation of the prince until he has this matter investigated.

The king's handwriting experts determine it is the queen's handwriting. Seungman, back to wearing her 20-pound wig, still denies she's the one who wrote the letter. It must have been Chunchu who had the forgery made in order to make her look bad. 

New Deokman and Chunchu are talking. We have a flashback to a scene that never was. After the birth of Manhwa, the king gives the gift of an incense pouch to the queen. Chunchu says Seungman sent the pouch along with the letter to the Baekje king to prove she was serious about her promises. I don't recall a pouch with the letter but okay, we gotta go with it for now.

Said incense pouch is being held by King Mu right at this moment. He's delighted to hear the Silla court is all a twitter and that either the queen or Chunchu will die. Prince Uija asks his father to send the pouch back to Silla as it will surely get the queen dethroned. King Mu decides he's rather sit on it for awhile and watch what happens next.

What happens next is Jinpyeong asks Seungman to produce the pouch. She stalls for time with excuses. They're rather weak excuses but Jinpyeong is a weak king so he gives her a few days. Seungman sends Myorang to Baekje to get the pouch before Chunchu does. Sino is right there listening so you know she's gonna tell somebody.

Chunchu and Yushin meet up with Uija amongst some lovely fall foliage. They want him to get the pouch for them but Uija doesn't want to go against the king's orders. What he does do is tell our duo where exactly the pouch is being kept and "accidentally" leaves a key behind.

That night our duo sneak around the Baekje palace grounds. Up on the roof of the treasure house, Chunchu silently removes some tiles and lowers himself down through the hole. He spots a fancy smancy little box and uses the key to open it. Behold, the incense pouch.

Chunchu and Yushin are now running through the woods when Myorang and her forest ninjas attack. Yushin orders his friend to keep going, he'll take care of these extras all by himself. Chunchu doesn't get far before he's got his own fight with Mohawk to deal with. Swirling and flipping ensues. I swear that's a bat'leth Mohawk is using. 

Now add arrows to the mix. Myorang and her ninjas retreat as Sweet Abs and his Baekje come to the rescue. As Yushin and Chunchu go on their way, we see Bihyeong was watching all along. See, I told you Sino would tell someone. But why didn't Bihyeong come to their rescue himself? Perhaps we'll see.

Chunchu hands the incriminating evidence over to Princess Deokman. She takes the pouch and goes to a temple to pray first before showing her father the evidence of the queen's betrayal. There's just Deokman and one maid in the temple. Bihyeong knocks the maid out and then draws his sword. Deokman gives him permission to kill her to avenge his dead Gwimun. Instead he takes the incense pouch. Well that's what you get for stopping to pray first instead of getting right to business, Deokman.

Bihyeong goes next to the queen's chambers. To everyone's disbelief, he hands over the pouch to Seungman. Sino goes running after Bihyeong to ask just what the hell is he doing. Bihyeong assures her he's using Seungman for now. When he's done with her, he'll take her out.

Seungman shows her husband that she has the incense pouch. She fully expects Chunchu to be executed now and wonders why the king is hesitating. Jinpyeong picks up the pouch and declares it is a fake. He had had a copy made and had Chunchu go to Baekje and pretend to retrieve the pouch. Wait, what? 

Jinpyeong orders Seugman to be dethroned and put under house arrest. She's dragged out protesting all the way. Careful, don't knock her 20-pound wig off! At her formal sentencing Seungman swears she'll be back and be queen again and God help those who plot against her. She gives the stink eye to Chunchu one last time before she's escorted away. 

Manmyeng chews out Bohui for harboring a Gwimun child in their home. Bohui calmly replies she wouldn't have to hide Yeonhwa if Dad hadn't cruelly killed and imprisoned all the Gwimun. Manmyeng orders the kid thrown out. Bohui responds with "If she goes, I go."

Chunchu is wary when Yushin's grandfather, the Prime Minister, tells him the court won't support Manhwa as crown prince since he ain't all there. Seungman, wherever she's at, hears about this and decides she needs to go to Moryangbu, a training ground outside of the city. I guess being under house arrest doesn't keep you from traveling wherever you want.

Seungman, Sino and Myorang... I'm sorry, but is Myorang wearing feathers and camouflage fringe? Anyway, the three women stomp off to Moryangbu, dramatic music accompanying them. Oh, is this where they train all those ninjas? Ah, a familiar name - Chilsuk. He's in charge of all this training. Seungman has paid a lot of money for her own personal army. She thinks now may be the time to use it.

Then Bihyeong saunters in like he owns the place. 

King Jinpyeong, after witnessing Manhwa having another seizure, expresses his doubts to Deokman about the boy being crown prince material. The king decides to pray at the royal shrine and ask his ancestors for help. It's here where Bihyeong and what's left of the Gwimun attack, slaughtering all the guards and taking the king prisoner.

Chunchu learns the queen and her entourage are heading for the royal shrine. He and his men ride out to stop her. Everyone draws their swords on each other.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Isabel Episode 2

Isabel and Alfonso are brought back to court for their "safety." 

Pacheco riles up the nobles against the king. They feel Enrique isn't doing enough against the Moors and the Jews. Enrique's side want immediate action against Pacheco but the king wants to negotiate in order to avoid a bloody war.

A new character is introduced. Gonzalo Fernandez is an ambitious soldier from Cordoba. Beltran decides to make him Alfonso's page. Isabel instantly dislikes the man because she knows he's there to spy on them.

In order to quell all the talk, Enrique starts spending more time in the queen's bed. Sleeping, of course. How many foxes had to die to make her blanket?

The king and Pacheco meet to negotiate although there's not much to haggle over as Enrique practically gives in to almost everything the opposition proposes. Almost everything. The one thing Enrique stands firm on is he will not disinherit his daughter. The talks come to a standstill.

Pacheco crafts a plan to kidnap the king and force him to do whatever he's told to do.

Isabel is playing with her niece, the princess. Queen Juana is not pleased and orders Isabel to never come near the little girl again. The queen drags her daughter off to her chambers only to find Pacheco's grungy brother and some men are there to take them all hostage. Isabel decides this is the time she gives the queen a piece of her mind and marches off to Juana's chambers, thus she is also taken prisoner.

Pacheco is having a private negotiation with Enrique. When grungy brother shows up, Pacheco knows everything is going according to plan. He lets the king know the queen and the princess are now being held prisoner. Enrique must quietly leave with Pacheco if he wants his wife and child to be unharmed.

Alfonso senses something is wrong when his sister never returns. Surprisingly it is Gonzalo who jumps into action and with the help of Cabrera, a converted Jew who works in the palace, they free the womenfolk. Isabel thanks Gonzalo and starts to warm up to the guy.

Enrique is starting to leave with Pacheco when they learn the queen and princess are safe. Pacheco and Grungy Brother are thrown into the dungeon but the king understands at this point Pacheco has more power in the country than he does. Since not many people know there was even an attempted kidnapping, Enrique reluctantly frees Pacheco and Co. Pacheco goes back home to plot and plot some more.

After learning about Gonzalo's part in freeing the queen, Beltran offers the man a promotion to captain of the royal guards. Gonzalo turns it down. He'd rather remain Alfonso's page. Beltran senses Gonzalo isn't doing this out of loyalty for Alfonso but because he's falling in love with Isabel. 

Isabel and Alfonso are allowed to return home for another visit with their mother. She's better now and this time recognizes her own children.

Enrique and Juana talk about what to do with Pacheco. Right now he has an army larger than they do. What they need is some outside help. Juana suggests for now they must stall for time and to throw a bone to the opposition. First Beltran, whom Pacheco hates with a passion, must leave the palace. Then they'll marry the princess to Alfonso. On the sly they'll turn to Juana's brother, the King of Portugal (and another Alfonso. This can get quite confusing.) In return for some of Portugal's troops, they'll marry Isabel to the king.

Beltran is expelled from court. Isabel and Alfonso are separated. She'll be getting her own house and getting away from the queen while Alfonso goes to live with Pacheco.

Isabel learns the king wants to marry her off to Portugal and she's totally against it. Not just because she doesn't want to marry someone she doesn't know but for political reasons as well. Pacheco's people have also learned of the intended marriage and are also not happy with it. Gonzalo offers to secretly deliver a message to Isabel that the opposition supports her in not wanting to marry.

The King of Portugal (who is really tall) arrives to visit with his sister and pick up his bride-to-be. Enrique throws a banquet in King Alfonso's honor. Isabel is brought in and she publicly declares in front of everybody that no way no how is she marrying King Alfonso.

Pacheco riles up the people against King Enrique and to promote Alfonso (Isabel's brother, not the King of Portugal) as the new King of Castile.

Beltran returns to court.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Three Kingdoms Episode 40

Normally reaching the 40th episode of a drama would be a major milestone. But for Three Kingdoms, we're not even to the halfway mark yet. And still no sign of Ruby Lin!

Jiang Gan is snooping through Zhou Yu's records, which are written on bamboo slats, and takes time to stuff a large roll up in his sleeve. Zhou Yu pretends to talk in his sleep saying stuff about getting Cao Cao's head. Jiang Gan crawls back into bed and pretends to be sleeping when Lu Meng comes in to awaken his commander. Zhou Yu moans that he shouldn't have drunk so much and he hopes he didn't say anything in his sleep. Lu Meng starts to tell his commander that a man from the north has arrived when Zhou Yu stops him from saying any more and the two men walk away from the bed. Jiang Gan strains to listen in on their whisperings. 

The next morning Jiang Gan is practically running out of the fort when he's stopped by Xiao Qiao. (Man, was it windy the day they filmed this scene.) She wants him to wait for her husband to sober up so he can give his friend a proper goodbye. Jiang Gan talks her out of it but then she claims she doesn't want him to travel alone and will arrange for two soldiers to escort him back home. He again comes up with an excuse and so she allows him to leave.

I'm starting to like you, Xiao Qiao. If only you had more lines.

Back with Cao Cao's CGI fleet, Jiang Gan returns to give his report to the prime minister. He hands over the slat book he stole from Zhou Yu. Cao Cao summons Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, the two men in charge of the entire fleet. The slat book implicates them as traitors who have offered to join up with Zhou Yu and pledge to deliver Cao Cao's head to him. Despite their pleas, the two men are dragged off and immediately beheaded. Only too late does Cao Cao think to himself, "Oh shit, I just fell for Zhou Yu's trick. Must not let on that I made a mistake."

He sends his son, Cao Pi, to the memorial service for the fallen Cai Mao. Pi explains to the dead man's brothers how dad made a big oops and is feeling really bad about it. Hopefully some gold and grand titles will ease your pain. Pi goes on to ask the brothers to pretend to defect. Now that Cai Mao has been executed, Zhou Yu would totally believe the man's brothers would want revenge and come over to the Southland. 

Jiang Gan gets the axe for being such a lunkhead. 

Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao make beautiful music together. Lu Su drops in to report their plan worked perfectly and Cai Mao has been executed. Still unable to get over his obsession with Big Fan, Zhou Yu has Lu Su go see if Zhuge Liang could have figured out this brilliant scheme. 

But of course he can. Lu Su isn't even through the door before Zhuge Liang is congratulating him on getting Cai Mao killed. He even knows that Lu Su is here to see if he figured out the plan. Zhou Yu really needs to get a hobby and stop trying to one up Big Fan. Zhuge Liang asks Lu Su to lie to Zhou Yu and assure his master that Big Fan didn't have a clue as to what was going on.

Lu Su doesn't and tells Zhou Yu everything. Lu Su, sometimes you're an idiot. Once in awhile a little white lie helps things. Now look what you've done. Zhou Yu is back to wanting to off Zhuge Liang. 

The river waters are rising and the time for battle is nearing. Zhou Yu calls together a strategy meeting with his people. Zhou Yu is hoping to trip his rival up by asking Zhuge Liang to cough up 100,000 arrows for them in ten days. Big  Fan replies they shouldn't hold off the upcoming battle that long and that he'll get them the arrows in just three days, no problem. If he fails to do follow through then Zhuge Liang willingly will submit to military law, which is exactly what Zhou Yu is wanting him to do.

Later, Zhuge Liang calls Lu Su out for causing all this trouble because he told the truth to Zhou Yu. Therefore Lu Su should be the one responsible for helping Zhuge Liang out of this mess. For starters he'll need some men and some boats. 

The CGI boats of Zhuge Liang's are covered from stem to stern with straw bundles. It is a foggy morning as they row up the river towards Cao Cao's CGI fleet, dropping anchor just within bow shot of the enemy. They start beating their war drums and taunting the fleet. Come on out and fight us, ya pussies! Cao Cao orders his fleet not to be drawn out and instead have all the archers on both land and water to fire at the ships. Zhuge Liang's boats start looking like porcupines with all the arrows sticking in the straw bundles.

Once they meet their quota of 100,000 arrows, the boats turn around and head back. Zhou Yu finally admits he's just not up to par with Zhuge Liang's cleverness. He unbends enough to personally go and congratulate Big Fan on his success. They start discussing the upcoming naval battle. Zhou Yu says he's come up with a plan. Zhuge Liang is like what a coincidence, I've come up with a plan as well. Then we get, "You go first." "No, you go first." "I insist - you go first." 

They decide to write their plans down on the palm of their hands and reveal their ideas at the same time. Good grief. I thought you two were grown men. Anyway, they both had the same idea. Or did they? I have the feeling Zhuge Liang knew what Zhou Yu was writing by the movement of the brush and so he wrote the same thing down.

At that moment they receive the news about Cai Mao's brothers arriving to offer their allegiance.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Hundred Year's Inheritance (Abridged) Episode 24

Se Yoon, who seems a bit more smarter when he's drunk than when he's sober, finally figures out the connection between Joo Ri, EMIL, Chae Won and the gang. 

After putting drunk Joo Ri to bed, Chul Goo (thinking his crazy wife is knocked out on pills) goes up to his bedroom only to find Hong Joo is wide awake and throwing pillows at him. Just like Chae Won (only without the three years of hell before saying anything) Hong Joo wants them to move out. Chul Goo goes downstairs to drink. Hong Joo throws another pillow.

Se Yoon returns home like nothing happened. So that whole cliffhanger with you figuring things out was for nothing? [I throw a pillow at the Show.] As he's greeted by his parents, Clingy Mom announces she's learned Chae Won's name. Sensible Dad chimes in with "I like the new dietitian" which doesn't set well with Clingy Mom.

The next morning at the Lair of the Evil One, it is an awkward gathering at the breakfast table, although Coco seems relaxed. EMIL mentions it is the death anniversary of the kids' father (a very important event in Korean culture) and she expects everyone to be there tonight. Hong Joo says she has better things to do elsewhere so leave her out. Everyone else is shocked. Well, not Coco. Chul Goo suddenly grows a pair and drags his wife (and Coco) out of the room for a stiff talking to. Hong Joo screams at him.

Chae Won is at work doing her job (unlike some people *cough* Joo Ri *cough*) when Se Yoon arrives. He stands there a moment just staring at her. Joo Ri comes up to apologize for getting so blasted last night, then she comments on how shameless Chae Won is after the stunt she supposedly pulled (the photos on the website, the gift basket.) She doesn't know Se Yoon has figured it all out. He casually asks Joo Ri if she knows Chae Won very well. Joo Ri hems and haws a bit and claims she doesn't know Chae Won much at all. 

Inside the building, one of the kitchen bitches approaches Chae Won and asks for help in getting her nephew hired on. She pushes a gift certificate thingy as a bribe on Chae Won, telling her to use it to buy Se Yoon a nice necktie so he'll say yes to the nephew. Watching all this is some flunky of Se Yoon's who is shocked at what he believes he's seeing.

Se Yoon gets a call from Clingy Mom. She wants him to join her for lunch with Joo Ri and EMIL. Se Yoon decides to test Joo Ri and not tell her her mother is joining them for lunch. EMIL shows up first and I must say she's dressed rather nice. Clingy Mom asks how the new daughter-in-law is and EMIL must lie through her teeth about Hong Joo. 

EMIL wasn't expecting Se Yoon to be joining them for lunch and she starts to panic. She excuses herself to go to the bathroom and quickly calls Joo Ri.  EMIL returns to tell Clingy Mom she just got an important call from work and she must hurry back and miss this luncheon. Crisis averted! For now.

At the cafeteria things get awkward for Chae Won when the kitchen bitch's nephew shows up. Flunky decides to eavesdrop on their conversation. Nephew tries to give Chae Won some honey and ask for her help to get hired since she's going to be marrying Se Yoon soon. This is all Flunky hears and he runs off to tell so he doesn't hear the part where Chae Won corrects the nephew and refuses the bribe. 

Flunky tells his boss what he heard. Se Yoon (who is sober and thus stupid) is more than willing to believe the flunky and not even ask for Chae Won's side of the story - again. [I throw a pillow at Se Yoon.] He takes Chae Won outside for another talking to, not talking with. Don't just stand there and cry, Chae Won; make the idiot listen to you!

Wait, this might be just as good. She dries her eyes and marches over to Joo Ri's cubicle (no office for you!) and drags Joo Ri out for a talk. Yes! It's about time for Chae Won to be the drag-er and not the drag-ee. Se Yoon just catches Chae Won pulling Joo Ri around and he starts to follow them.

Out on the deck Chae Won gets angry. She tells Joo Ri she wasn't going to tell Se Yoon about their previous relationship as sisters-in-law but now Joo Ri has made her mad. At that moment Joo Ri spies Se Yoon coming through the door. She drops to her knees and acts like the victim. Se Yoon surprises them both by admitting he already knew the women had once been related. He walks over to help Joo Ri to her feet while telling Chae Won he's basically written her off.

Where's my throwing pillow?!?!

Se Yoon takes Joo Ri up to his office for some tea and comfort. She takes this opportunity to paint an even blacker picture of Chae Won. You both deserve each other. Now go crawl off and die somewhere.

Se Yoon goes out to drink. Good! Maybe his I.Q. will go back up along with his alcohol level. Chae Won goes out to the batting cage to hit some balls, imagining them as little Se Yoons as she smacks the hell out of them. Joo Ri decides to blow off her daddy's memorial service and stalk Se Yoon. He's passed out at his table. Joo Ri tries to wake him up. As he comes too, sort of, he call Joo Ri by Dead Girlfriend's name. 

She manoeuvre's him out to the car and who should be walking down the sidewalk but our Chae Won. Still thinking she's Dead Girlfriend, Se Yoon leans in for a sloppy kiss. Only now does Joo Ri notice Chae Won is nearby so she gives the kiss her all.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The King's Dream Episode 18

I hear that once again there has been an accident involving people working on this series. If I were a superstitious person, I would think this show is cursed. As it just so happens I am a superstitious person so yes, the show is cursed. Oh dear, what if people watching the show are also cursed? You know, like that stupid film where people died seven days after watching some video. My car did happen to die on me. Coincidence? I think not!

Found on the body of the dead Geomgun are some samples of the contaminated rice. His murderer is standing right there, his shifty eyes shifting all over the place. The rumor going around is it was the dead man who was putting the chaff and sand in the military rations and siphoning off most of the food for himself. Geomgun's blind mother (maybe if you opened your eyes you could see) has come to Kim Chunchu to plead for him to clear her dead son's name. 

In court, King Jinpyeong announces his plans to finally name his official heir. The old farts are quite pleased with this. When the king adds he's going to officially pardon Bihyeong and the Gwimun after their valiant service during the recent battle, the old farts are quite upset with this. 

Kim Yushin asks to be transferred to a border post. He wants to get as far away from the court and the queen as he can. 

Bihyeong refuses to swear allegiance to the king. He's all uppity about being the son of a dethroned king himself. Chunchu and his father try to talk some sense into Bihyeong but he won't budge. Chunchu asks for him to at least allow the Gwimun to make up their own minds and come back into the fold if they chose to. Bihyeong has to go have a long think about this. He stops to play dolls with Yeonwha. All she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth. This is enough to convince Bihyeong that she and the Gwimun deserve a better life, not as mountain bandits. 

Bihyeong addresses his people and gives them the choice to either become Silla citizens or stay here in the mountains. *Cough cough* So much smoke from those torches! *Cough* Sino is there and Bihyeong gives her the choice as well to leave the palace if she wants. She swears to serve him until the day she dies. Neither of them notice Yeonwha as they talk and the poor girl learns the hard way that Sino is not her birth mother and that her real mother is someone at the palace (they didn't mention the queen specifically.)

Jinpyeong is holding the ritual to have Manhwa installed as the crown prince. Right as Manhwa steps up to the altar to do his bit he has a major freak out when he sees a giant dragon. (I think we all would have a major freak out if we saw a giant dragon.) Manhwa pisses on himself and has an epileptic seizure. (I'm not sure about the seizure but I still believe we all would piss on ourselves if we saw a giant dragon.)

The rumors start to fly (like a giant dragon) that the royal family has another Nutty Buddy on their hands. Nobody wants another Nutty Buddy. There's also the odd rumor that Bihyeong is the real father of the prince. The question for the king now is whether to try the ceremony again or to postpone it so Manhwa gets treatment. 

Meanwhile at the Silla-Baekje border, Yushin builds a fortress and gives inspirational speeches. Bihyeong stops by to tell about disbanding the Gwimun and to ask Yushin to take some of them under his wing as soldiers. Yushin attempts to mend the relationship between his friend and Bohui but Bihyeong still says it's for her own good that he leave her be.

Seungman uses her wiles (and a limp-wristed  neck massage) to convince the king that eliminating Bihyeong and the Gwimun will make the rumors about the prince go away. The unsuspecting Gwimun walk into town expecting a warm welcome. Instead it's Slaughterville and Yushin's dad, Kim Seo Hyun, is in charge of it. Chabi grabs Yeonwha and fights their way out. She gets the girl back to Sino then leaves to go find Bihyeong and tell him what has happened. 

While Sino is comforting Yeonwha they're discovered by Queen Seungman who demands to know who the girl is. Sino claims Yeonwha as her adopted daughter and that the father was executed today with the rest of the Gwimun. Seungman doesn't recognize her own child but she at least unbends enough to let Yeonwha live.

Chunchu is outraged at the slaughter since he had given Bihyeong his word that the Gwimun would come to no harm. Kim Seo Hyun is having the women and children rounded up to become slaves. Chunchu orders his Hwarang to set the remaining Gwimun free. Alcheon warns Chunchu that this will be going against the king's orders and be considered treason. Chunchu can't believe Jinpyeong would do such a thing.

Princess Deokman takes her father to task for his cruelty. The king lets Seungman do all the talking. 

Bihyeong races back to the ruined mountain lair of the now extinct Gwimun. Gildal! Gildal makes an appearance! Sure, it's just a vision, but still...  Gildal! Oh how I miss you, Gildal. Anyway, he laughs at Bihyeong for ever having trusted the royal family and advises him to kill them all. Come back again, Gildal. Don't be a stranger.

Yushin is riding through the forest when a blowdart hits his horse and he goes down. He's quickly surrounded by men with drawn swords. Oh, it's Sweet Abs and Prince Uija. Uija wants to regain Yushin's trust and so gives him... a purple napkin? Well, that's what it looks like. Uija tells Yushin to read the purple napkin, then he'll understand why Baekje betrayed Silla.

Bihyeong asks Bohui to take care of Yeonhwa. Beopmin is pleased to have his future sweetheart near. His older sister, Gotaso, is obviously going to be a future bitch. She demands Yeonhwa give back the hairpin her brother gave her. Yeonhwa accuses Beopmin of being just as bad as the other people who slaughtered the Gwimun. The course of true love never did run smooth.

With Yushin far away and Bihyeong without any Gwimun, Seungman sees Chunchu as her only obstacle now. She calls in Myorang. You're no Gildal, Myorang. 

Shifty Eyes tells Chunchu that they've discovered the missing rice Geomgun supposedly stole. He was selling it to the Goguryeo and they're coming tonight to pick up the goods. There's no time to waste! Chunchu follows Shifty Eyes to where the transaction is supposed to take place but there's nothing there. Shifty Eyes unveils his shiftiness and Chunchu finds himself surrounded by shifty ninjas. Oh, and Myorang is there. 

Shifty Eyes starts forward to kill Chunchu when the cavalry (in the form of the lone Yushin) comes riding in. How did he know-- No! Must not ask questions! Yushin hauls his friend up on the back of his horse and they high-tail it out of there. The shifty ninjas don't really do much of anything to stop the duo. Note to Myorang: do not hire shifty ninjas in the future.

Chunchu understands the queen is behind everything but they must have proof before trying to bring her to justice. Yushin hands him the Purple Napkin of Truth as proof. It's the secret message Seungman sent the Baekje king promising land and cities in return for Baekje betraying the Silla alliance. 

The royal family are wearing their royal finest as King Jinpyeong presents Manhwa to the court as the crown prince. Chunchu and the Hwarang formally protest and won't support Manhwa as the heir to the throne. Chunchu and Seungman have a stare down.

Monday, March 25, 2013

LEX Episode 4

Mark Ledesma is asleep on his hotel bed when the cops suddenly burst in. OMG, you should see this one cop. He looks...  He's just so...  The hair...   OMG, and he's not even a major player in the story but his grooming (or lack of) has already stolen the show. Anyway, a search of the hotel room uncovers a half kilo of heroin. Ledesma asks for his lawyer: Mario Estrada.

Mario has represented this man before. Ledesma is a sleaze bag but he's a professional sleaze bag. To be caught with just half a kilo of heroin sounds sloppy. Mario suspects the drugs were planted. Outside of the judge's chambers, Mario is physically attacked by a woman. She's angry that he was successful at getting Ledesma out on bail.

Dani's case concerns Gabriel Lozano. He is a terminally ill patient and his wife wants to have him committed. He's fighting it saying he may be dying but he's perfectly sane. The first time Dani sees her new client, he's undressed out on the balcony as he throws money down to the people below. (He threw his suit down to a couple of vagrants is why he's in his boxers.)

Mario's mother sends him some baby supplies, including a baby. It's one of those robobabes that simulates a real baby. Moma Estrada thinks her son needs some training in fatherhood. Dani doesn't think he'll last long with robobabe. Mario accepts the challenge and strives to prove to her he'll make a decent dad.

In court Gabriel Lozano explains how he was so busy making a lot of money that he didn't get around to taking care of his health. Now it is too late to treat his disease. Since he can't take it with him and other people need it now, Lozano is giving away his fortune. Dani suspects this is the real reason Lozano's wife wants to commit him: to preserve their money for herself.

Gema gets a security tape from the hotel where Ledesma was staying. It shows him going up to his room with a woman. She doesn't stay long, though. The tape shows her leaving, then she comes back to the room for a few seconds and leaves again. David, Mario's junior lawyer (and one third of the love triangle I'm not interested in), recognizes the woman on the tape is also the woman who attacked Mario at the courthouse.

Her name is Clara Arancedo. Mario tricks her into coming to his law office. The woman gives her sob story. Yes, she planted the drugs in order to get Ledsema arrested. She's avenging her dead daughter. Ledesma dated the girl, got her hooked on heroin and then used her as a mule (person who carries the drugs inside their body to smuggle from country to country.) One of the bags inside the daughter burst and she died a horrible death.

Meanwhile, Dani is really connecting with her client. Perhaps too well. Other lawyers in the firm are worried she's getting too close. Gonzalo tries to make Dani see reason. Her client is probably going to lose his case so Dani should stop fighting so hard for him.

Mario finally has to admit to Dani that he can't take robobabe any longer. Still, Dani is touched at how much he's learned and done in the short time he's had robobabe.

Blah blah blah This time it's Dani's turn to make the long and moving statement in court blah blah blah.

Mario hires a junkie to take the fall for his client. They rehearse the young girl (who resembles Arancedo's dead daughter) to tell a tale in court that will sound similar to the dead daughter's tale. Hearing all this gets to Arancedo. Tearfully she stands up in court and confesses to all that she was the one who planted the drugs.

Moved by Dani's long and moving statement, the Lozano's make up and the wife drops her case.

Mario has all sorts of dirt on his now former client, Ledesma. He hands the volatile records over to idealistic David. (Or "Davith" as it is pronounced in this show. Is this the legendary Castilian lisp I've read about?)

A Hundred Year's Inheritance (Abridged) Episode 23

Joo Mi smirks from afar as she watches Se Yoon accuse Chae Won of having posted the pictures of them on the website as well as faking the gift basket as being from him. C'mon, Se Yoon. Don't piss me off. Please let me know this is all part of some plan or something and you don't really believe all this crap. At least let Chae Won have a chance to tell her side of the story. C'mon!

But no, Se Yoon walks away. A shocked Chae Won thinks things over and at least figures out it was Joo Ri who sent the fake basket. And look, here's Joo Ri right now to once again warn you to quit your job or face further consequences.

Back in her office, Chae Won tries to call Se Yoon to talk about the misunderstanding. All she gets is his voicemail. She starts blurting out everything: how Joo Ri was the one who did the basket and the website and that she's Chae Won's former sister-in-law. 

Se Yoon leaves to have a meeting with EMIL but it really wasn't very important so I'm skipping it. He returns back to the office building. He's waiting for an elevator when Chae Won walks up. There's no more comraderie or even small talk between them. Chae Won bows out and starts to take the stairs instead. Midway up she stops and chides herself for not taking the elevator. She did nothing wrong so why should she slink away like this? Good words, Chae Won, but you don't seem to be listening to yourself.

Evil Mother-In-Law next meets with Hong Joo. The elder lady wants to take the not-quite-young lady to an oriental clinic that works wonders with getting women pregnant. EMIL wants Hong Joo to hurry up and reproduce. Hong Joo announces she has no plans whatsoever to have any kids. EMIL is not pleased. 

That evening back at the mansion, thinking Hong Joo may be on the pill or something to prevent pregnancy, EMIL comes into the couples' bedroom and starts to snoop. Little does EMIL know that they're using the best contraceptive known - abstinence. She's caught in the act by her DIL. Hong Joo, God love her, orders EMIL out of the room before she calls the police. But then she starts screaming like the crazy woman she is. Quick, get her into a mental hospital! Y'all are pros at this by now. 

Chul Goo and that scary Mrs. Park come running in to see what the hell all the screaming is about. The prison matron grabs Hong Joo and orders the other two out of the room. Chul Goo and his mother go downstairs to talk about what a crazy-ass woman Hong Joo is. You people should have asked for the CarFax on this girl before you brought her into the family.

Chae Won runs into Se Yoon and Joo Ri down in the lobby. Se Yoon won't even look at her. You asshole. He and Joo Ri get in his car and pull away, just missing Clingy Mom arriving at the building. Thinking her son is still working late, she's brought him something to eat. Seeing that he's already left, Clingy Mom is on her way out when she runs into Chae Won. The two women speak and this time Clingy Mom learns Chae Won's name. Chae Won apologizes again for the accident with the drink earlier. Clingy Mom says not to worry about such petty things like that - what she should be sorry for is giving people such a hard time (meaning Joo Ri and her family.) Chae Won, understandably, is clueless about what Clingy Mom is going on about.

Chae Won can't even get home to worry about her own problems as she gets a phone call from Chul Goo going on about his problems. One could almost - almost - feel sorry for the poor bastard at this point, what with being married to a crazy woman and having Satan's leavings as his mother and all.

While Hong Joo is knocked out with meds, EMIL tries to pump Mrs. Park for info. Was Hong Joo this crazy back at home? The prison matron keeps her lips sealed. Meanwhile Joo Ri is getting absolutely smashed at the bar. Stupid move, Joo Ri. Do you think you're impressing Se Yoon by getting shit faced in front of him? He finally has to pull her away from the bar. Thankfully he's got the presence of mind to hire a driver since they've both been drinking. Se Yoon starts to tell the driver to drop Joo Ri off first but then he realizes he doesn't know her exact address and he can't ask her as she's out cold. 

As the writers would have it, Joo Ri's cell phone rings. Se Yoon looks at it and sees the incoming call is from "Mom" so he answers it. Again as the writers would have it, Se Yoon doesn't recognize EMIL's voice as he asks for Joo Ri's address. EMIL stays out of sight as Se Yoon simply leaves a drunk Joo Ri at her front door. Doesn't even wait to see if she gets inside safely. Ah, chivalry is dead. 

As he has the driver start to take him to his own home, a buzzed Se Yoon suddenly thinks to himself that the outside of Joo Ri's house sure looks a lot like the outside of Chae Won's house back when she was married. He has the car turn around and goes back just in time to see EMIL and Chul Goo helping the stumbling Joo Ri inside. Se Yoon goes on to finally make the connection that EMIL is Joo Ri's mother.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Darna Episodes 28 - 29

I hate to say this but I'm finding myself disappointed in Tree Woman. Her main cause is to wipe out mankind so that the trees and flowers can take over the Earth. Yawn. Her fruits have - hatched? - and the two prostitutes she killed earlier are now reborn as her disciples. And I was right, the short one is a man. They are both absolutely annoying. It was bad enough putting up with the bimbos over at the newspaper. Now I have to hate on these two.

Watson goes running to the orphanage to alert Narda that Eduardo is leaving San Martin. They rush to the airport to stop him. Now that she's revealed her love for him, Narda and Eduardo are a couple. A broken-hearted Valentina swears vengeance.

Tree Woman and her flower girls go marching into town and kill a whole lotta people. The annoying disciples get a firetruck and hose Tree Woman up. All that water causes her to grow into a giant. Unfortunately the CGI of a giant Tree Woman looks absolutely ridiculous.

Just as Eduardo is heading over to the orphanage to shower his gal with flowers and chocolates, Valentina attacks him. He's able to hold her off with his still developing super strength but in the end she knocks him out with a big rock. She uncovers her head and is about to finish him off with her snakes when out of nowhere Consuelo appears and attacks. Valentina tries to remind her mother that she's her daughter but Consuelo doesn't remember. She goes running off with Valentina chasing after her. It just so happens Consuelo runs right into the killing fields of Tree Woman et al.

Narda hears about the attack of the giant tree and she goes to her room to get her magic stone. Only now does she realize the stone is missing. She and Carding search for it frantically. One of the other orphans tells them she saw Serpina with a bright shiny stone earlier. Narda and Carding find Serpina and try to talk her into giving the stone back. Serpina runs into a storage room and turns into a snake before Narda and the boy come in. They begin to search the room. Carding finds the snake instead and Narda throws a vase at it. The snake slithers back behind some stuff and Serpina reverts to her human form. Narda doesn't see this nor does she make the connection of snake disappears/Serpina appears. At least this time Narda is able to convince the girl to give the stone back.

Shooting at the giant Tree Woman is useless, yet the soldiers keep firing at her. (Her invincibility is one of Darna's powers that Tree Woman absorbed from the stone.) Crazy Consuelo runs up and throws a rock at the giant monster. Tree Woman uses one of her root/tentacles and wraps Consuelo up in her grip. Valentina calls upon her snakes to save her mother. What can snakes do to a tree? Obviously nothing as Tree Woman laughs insanely (as she has been doing all along) and sends the reptiles on their way.

Father Mateo goes out to battle Tree Woman with a crucifix and a bucket of holy water. Sadly, neither weapon works and Tree Woman continues to grate on my nerves with her squealing laughter. She also wraps Father Mateo up in her roots. Gabriel, after narrowly escaping the clutches of the gay flower disciple, starts climbing the bean stalk  --er, Tree Woman. She brushes him off, laughs, and starts to step on him when Darna finally arrives.

Darna frees Consuelo and Father Mateo from Tree Woman's grasp, then the two women face off. Darna throws those two annoying disciples into a garbage bin. Thank you for that, Darna. Tree Woman knocks our superheroine down. Just like Hercules and Antaeus, Darna picks the giant tree up from the ground. With her roots not touching any soil, Tree Woman loses strength. Darna hurls the monster away.

Hey look, I found a picture I can steal:


The ungrateful people of San Martin apologize to Darna and welcome her back with open arms. Father Mateo takes in the amnesiatic Consuelo and cares for her in the church. Transformed back, Narda takes Grandma Loleng to the church because Darna recognized Consuelo as Loleng's long lost daughter. Mother and child are reunited although poor Consuelo has no memory of Loleng. Narda asks if Consuelo remembers Alicia. There is a breakthrough as Consuelo has flashes of memories and she at least realizes Narda is Alicia's child but that's all she does remember.

They take her back to the orphanage. Consuelo, who seems a bit simple minded now, asks Narda to call her mother. Watching all this (as she always does) is Valentina. Oh, she's getting crazy now. In her mind Narda has not only stolen her man, she's stolen her mother. Valentina waits until Eduardo leaves before confronting Narda. She even pulls the rag off her head and shows off her snake hair.

Tree Woman and the Annoying Disciples are reunited as well. I am just so disappointed Tree Woman is turning out to be a flake of a villainess. 

Before Narda can transform, Valentina knocks her to the ground and is about to attack Narda with her hair when Eduardo drives back up. He comes to his girlfriend's defense and pushes Valentina back. Valentina orders up a python to wrap around her ex-boyfriend and crush him. (Many women in the world would like the power to summon a python to crush an ex.)

Isabel Episode 1

Isabel can be found over at DramaFever.

Lots of sumptuous costumes and court intrigue. Be warned, there's also lots of nudity and sexual situations. If that sort of thing bothers you, you may want to skip this show. On the other hand if that's your kind of thing then by all means watch.

We open in the Kingdom of Castile in the year 1474. King Enrique (played by Pablo Derqui) is gasping his last breath. Was this a natural death or did someone help him on his way? We may find out later. Anyway, two men hightail it to deliver the message to Enrique's half sister, Isabel, played by Michelle Jenner. (Here's my one quibble so far about the show. Those are some really fake looking castles people are always riding to or from.) 

So the king didn't leave any written will officially naming his heir. The courtiers are gathering to debate whether to give the crown to Isabel or to Dona Juana, daughter of the late king. Isabel, along with her right hand man Don Gonzalo Chacon (played by Ramon Madaula), seizes the moment - and the crown. She calls her own courtiers and has herself named as Queen of Castile. Her husband Ferdinand (played by Rodolfo Sancho) probably won't be happy about this. He was aiming to be king of both Aragon and Castile. 

(Sorry, I don't know how to make those little wavy lines above some of the letters.)

We now flash back several years earlier to the (fake) castle of Arevalo where Isabel and her brother Alfonso live with their mother, the former Queen Isabella. They live in genteel poverty because their half brother, King Enrique, doesn't pay up like he should. Their mother also has the tendency to see the ghostly specter of one Don Alvaro de Luna, a man she helped get sentenced to death. The children are overseen by Chacon, a former student of de Luna's.

Meanwhile in the (fake) castle at Segovia, the king is trying to create a son but he has a bit of trouble getting the deed done. Is he perhaps gay? Unable to climb aboard the Queen Juana (played by Barbara Lennie) and sail away, they seem to be doing an early version of artificial insemination to get her pregnant.

Poor Juana is awfully horny but her husband is more interested in going off to hunt. Juana must get her jollies by watching another couple get their jollies. (Hence the nudity and sexual situations.) Juana attempts to seduce Beltran, Enrique's favorite, but Beltran rebuffs her. The story with Beltran is he saved the king's life which is why he is such a favorite. And rumor has it he may also be the king's boy toy.

Juan Pacheco (played by Gines Garcia Millan) is practicing his swordfighting with Alfonso Carrillo de Acuna, Archbishop of Toledo (played by Pedro Casablanc). Pacheco is the man who helped clear the way to the throne for Enrique but he's now been pushed aside by Beltran. Pacheco and the archbishop decide to start concentrating on young Alfonso, since they doubt the king will be able to be fruitful and multiply and they sure don't want no stinkin' woman on the throne.

Hail Mary, Queen Juana is pregnant. Worried about her unborn child's claim to the throne, she asks the king to have Isabel and Alfonso brought to court so she can keep an eye on them. Although she's young, Isabel shows she has a spine already. As she's in her bedroom trying to pray, she hears a couple out in the hallway getting it on. (Castilians are loud lovemakers.) She holds her head up and storms past the butt-nekkid couple to go complain to the archbishop. Only she finds the archbishop has some nekkid company of his own.

The next morning the queen, who had planned the loud lovemaking, asks how Isabel slept. Isabel doesn't give in and replies she adjusted to all the noise. Alfonso accidentally knocks a glass of milk over. Juana orders him to clean it up. (I'm kinda backing her here. He made a mess, he should clean it up.) Isabel stops him, loudly reminding everyone they are the children of kings, they don't clean up anything.

Months pass and the queen gives birth to a girl. The king has everyone pledge their loyalty to his daughter. Secretly, Pacheco has written out that he was forced against his will to swear his oath and that the princess is really the daughter of Beltran and therefore not the true heir to the throne. 

Years pass and all Isabel and Alfonso want is to return home and see their mother. Alfonso unwisely goes to the queen to beg for her to intercede on their behalf. Juana asks for a favor in return. Alfonso must give up his Order of Santiago (something very important) to Beltran. 

Speaking of Beltran, the king is marrying his favorite off to the daughter of the Mendoza's, a powerful clan. This doesn't sit well with Pacheco and his group nor the passing of the Order of Santiago. Pacheco is ratted out to the king.

Isabel and Alfonso get to return home only to find their sickly mother doesn't even recognize them. They're not there for long before Enrique orders them back to court. Isabel swears to make pay everyone who's made her family miserable.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Hundred Year's Inheritance (Abridged) Episode 22

Chae Won attempts to wipe the coffee off of Clingy Mom's outfit. Clingy Mom is like, "Get your cooties away from me!" She demands to know Chae Won's name and department she works for but before she gets an answer Joo Ri (once again watching with horror from the sidelines) runs over to interrupt things. As Joo Ri shuffles Clingy Mom off to clean up, Chae Won figures out the older woman must be Se Yoon's mother and that she witnessed the fight between Chae Won and EMIL outside the office building. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

As Joo Ri and Clingy Mom wait up in Se Yoon's office (he's in a meeting elsewhere), Clingy Mom starts asking questions about Chae Won. Joo Ri takes the opportunity to lay the groundwork for future troubles for her former sister-in-law. She pretends to break down and admit that Chae Won used to work at EMIL's company and had slept her way to the top, ultimately seducing Chul Goo and forcing him to marry her to avoid scandal. 

Chae Won ends up riding the elevator with Se Yoon. He basically asks her out on another date back to the batting cage. Chae Won doesn't give an answer as she's confused about why he's interested in her.

Meanwhile, EMIL receives a visit from Hong Ju's mother, Sour Puss. Sour Puss has brought along with her a scary-looking woman - the kind you would find as a matron in a women's prison movie. Sour Puss is here to talk about the trainwreck of a marriage they pushed their kids into. She explains she's brought Mrs. Park (scary prison matron) over to "assist" Hong Ju in adjusting to her marriage. So in a way she is a prison matron. EMIL doesn't cotton to the idea too well of having Mrs. Park in the house. Sour Puss gently yet firmly insists Mrs. Park stays. 

Joo Ri (who has ample time for stalking and harassing yet does very little actual work) comes into Chae Won's office and accuses the other of sending herself the gift basket to make everyone think she's dating the big guy. Joo Ri shows off her stalking skills by listing all the places Chae Won and Se Yoon were together at the other day. Chae Won calls it when she says Joo Ri is acting insecure. Joo Ri, tears rolling down her cheeks, warns Chae Won she can either quit her job or Joo Ri will make her lose her job.

It's quitting time and as everyone is leaving the building Se Yoon drives up and offers Chae Won a ride to the noodle house as he's heading that way anyway. Chae Won flashes back to what happened less than 30 seconds ago then gets in the car. While driving along, Chae Won blurts out the question of whether Se Yoon is interested in her. He's so shocked he slams on the brakes. What the heck is she talking about? Chae Won acts relieved that he isn't really into her.

Se Yoon drops her off at her bus stop. As he's driving away, Se Yoon passes by Dad walking with Choon Hee. The Show does that slow motion thing to make sure the viewers understand there's some kind of connection between Se Yoon and this woman. Why don't you just beat us over the head with it, Show? It's quite obvious by now Choon Hee is going to turn out to be Se Yoon's mother. No spoiler alert needed.

Back at Casa Crazy Women, EMIL is trying to have a conversation with Hong Ju (and CoCo) when Mrs. Park comes in to announce it is time for go to bed. Hong Ju seeks to get comfy cozy with her husband in bed. Chul Goo is having none of that. Are those Nazi eagles all over his shirt? 

Se Yoon and his family are having fruit together. Clingy Mom just can't wait to tell them how Joo Ri told her about her former SIL's scandalous past. Se Yoon's dad is mature enough to remind them all there are two sides to every story and Clingy Mom has just heard one. Go, Se Yoon's Dad! I like you.

(I'm going to take a moment to complain here. This episode has been padded out with just too many flashbacks to scenes that happened only a few minutes earlier. Sometimes we get two different characters at two different times flashing back to the same memory, meaning the audience sees the same scene three times within one episode. This is ridiculous, Show.)

The next day at work, everyone on the elevator is gossiping about Chae Won and Se Yoon being an item. No one seems to notice their boss is standing behind them on the same elevator. Se Yoon is just now learning he's being talked about. He can't even hold a meeting without his crew teasing him about sending a gift basket to Chae Won. He recalls (in yet another flashback) Chae Won mentioning something about a basket.

Se Yoon heads down to her office. Chae Won isn't in but the basket is there on her desk along with the note supposedly written by him to her. He goes to the kitchen to find Chae Won to ask her about the basket. She has just picked up a big and heavy pot when she loses her grip and drops it, splashing boiling hot soup all over her bare legs since she insists on wearing mini skirts to work.

Once again Se Yoon must come to her rescue. He sweeps her up into his arms and carries her out to get medical attention. I hope you're getting overtime pay for this, Se Yoon. Joo Ri sees them leaving and she runs back to the kitchen to find out what happened. (How did she know it happened in the kitchen?) While in there, Joo Ri sees Chae Won left her phone behind. Scheming music plays as she picks it up. 

At the hospital it turns out all Chae Won needs is one narrow bandage on her foot. Can't have any burns scars on her legs or else she'll have to quit wearing her mini skirts. Se Yoon leaves her side for a moment to take care of paperwork. Chae Won lies back on the hospital bed and closes her eyes so she never sees Joo Ri sneak into the E.R. and take a picture with Chae Won's own phone.

Se Yoon returns to the office and Joo Ri is of course there waiting for him. She tells him the rumors of him dating and even planning to marry Chae Won have left the building and are now circulating among the business press. This could hurt the company's image if he doesn't do something about it.

At the same time the quickly recovered Chae Won is back in her office. She's checking up on the cafeteria's website and is shocked to find pictures of her and Se Yoon at the hospital are on it with a report (supposedly written by Chae Won) thanking the director for being her "guardian angel". 

Se Yoon has also seen the website and calls Chae Won out for a talk. He accuses her of not only posting the pictures on the website but of also sending herself the gift basket and forging his name on the note. He never gives her a chance to tell her side of the story. Se Yoon, when did you become such an asshole?

(Or are you doing this on purpose because you know your stalker is watching and you want Joo Ri to get the idea you're mad at Chae Won? Darn it, now I'll have to wait 'til next week to find out if I'm right or not.)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Hundred Year's Inheritance (Abridged) Episode 21

I mistakenly thought Hong Ju was seeing that longing look in Chul Goo's eyes as he gazed at his ex-wife. Nope, turns out Hong Ju is more interested in finding her damn dog than to notice what other people are up to. 

Chae Won goes into the hotel bathroom, perhaps to apply more pink lipstick that is so popular on this show, and has the bad luck to run into Joo Ri (who is also applying more pink lipstick.) Joo Ri has to brag about her brother's upcoming marriage to a more suitable woman. 

Chul Goo is at the bar - a place where many a groom has started their wedding day - forgoing the glass and drinking straight from the bottle. EMIL comes rushing in to kill his buzz. He's changed his mind about the whole thing. Can't he back out of the wedding? EMIL literally pours more alcohol down his throat in order to get him drunk enough to go through with the ceremony.

As Chae Won is walking through the hallway she once again bumps into Hong Ju. Neither woman says anything. Now I'm confused again as it appears Hong Ju is giving Chae Won the evil eye. So did she pick up on the vibes between Chul Goo and Chae Won or not? 

Se Yoon is at his office enjoying a Joo Ri-free day. He's thinking about Chae Won and how her business meeting is probably over by now. Perhaps he'll just drop by the hotel and surprise her.

The wedding is over and the (un)happy couple are getting ready to leave for their honeymoon. You can just feel the love in the air. Not. Coco the dog is wearing a tiny tux. Normally I hate when people dress animals up in clothing, but in this case he's just so darn cute! Anyway, as EMIL is practically stuffing her son into the limo, Joo Ri is horrified to spy Se Yoon pulling up in his car. Not wanting to be seen near EMIL, Joo Ri quickly ducks away. She manages to avoid being seen but then she realizes he must be here to see her nemesis, Chae Won.

Indeed he is. He finds Chae Won and is back on the "Buy me food!" bandwagon. He makes her take him out to the restaurant where she got drunk. Joo Ri stops long enough to get a haircut, then follows them to the restaurant. After some laughing and flirting, Se Yoon gets serious. He asks Chae Won if she's okay with her ex-husband getting remarried. She assures him that the momma's boy is out of her life although she is a bit sad at having a failed marriage.

Se Yoon decides to cheer up her by taking her to a batting cage for some lessons. More laughing and flirting as we get to hear their theme song yet again. Wonder what happened to their stalker? Se Yoon drops Chae Won off at the noodle house. As soon as he pulls away, Chae Won is jumped by her aunt who wears a rag around her neck all the time. You know, the one who knows Se Yoon's mom from the beginning of the show. Anyway, Aunty wants to know the 411 about what's going on with Chae Won and Se Yoon. Are they dating? They'd better not be dating, Aunty warns. If Chae Won thought her former mother-in-law was bad, she's nothing compared to Clingy Mom.

Speaking of clingy, once again Se Yoon can't come home without finding Joo Ri there waiting for him. As the whole family is sitting down together, Clingy Mom loudly asks Joo Ri about her ex-sister-in-law working at the company. What is her name? What department does she work in? This is the first Se Yoon ever heard about an ex-sister-in-law. Clingy Mom goes on to say she witness this woman demanding a large amount of money from EMIL. Se Yoon now sympathizes with Joo Ri for having to suffer all alone being near her evil sister-in-law (ESIL).

After nursing her lovesick Dad (he's broken up with Choon Hee and she's returning to America), Chae Won can't catch a break as she receives a call from lovesick Chul Goo. He's calling her from the airport, tearfully expressing his fears of having made a huge mistake in getting married. As always, his DramaKoreaness prevents him from seeing his new bride standing right beside him less than a foot away. I don't mean behind him, I mean right beside him. 

Chae Won wisely hangs up on her ex-husband. Hong Ju wisely starts to walk out on her reluctant husband. 

EMIL is at home enjoying all her expensive presents and is shocked to see her son show up. He goes up to his bedroom to discover not only does he have a different bed but his giant teddy bear is gone as well. 

Worried about her lovesick father, Chae Won pays a visit to Choon Hee in an attempt to iron out the elders' relationship. 

The kitchen bitches are sticking their noses into a gift basket Se Yoon had sent to Chae Won's office. Back off, kitchen bitches! But wait, Joo Ri (with an evil smile on her face) is watching from afar. Was she the one who really had the basket sent in an effort to make Chae Won appear to be doing the boss? As I know from my own work experience, the rumors fly around the building faster than the speed of light. 

EMIL has to beat her son out of the bed in order to go get his wife. (Those are some wild pajama bottoms he's wearing.) Hong Ju and Coco are staying in the Crystal Hotel where they got married. Wait, that didn't come out right. Where she married Chul Goo, not Coco.  She refuses to leave with her husband to go to his house. Chul Goo still goes into the bedroom to pack her bags. Just then the doorbell rings. It is Hong Ju's mother (who has a perpetual sour puss) who barges into the hotel room, slaps her daughter for causing so much trouble and then leaves. Hong Ju throws a hissy fit to rival any of EMIL's hissy fits. I'm sure the people in the room next door are hearing all the screaming and stomping. Chul Goo comes out to calm his wife down. Yeah, you've got yourself a certifiable nutcase there, Chul Goo. Good thing your mother has the number to the mental hospital.

In case you're wondering, Chae Won's dad runs after his woman and wins her back.

Clingy Mom, carrying a cup of coffee, is walking into her family's building when she collides with Chae Won. The drink spills all over her expensive designer dress. Chae Won is searching for a handkerchief to wipe the mess away. In that time Clingy Mom recognizes her as the woman who had been arguing with EMIL. When Chae Won reaches out to clean the dress, Clingy Mom tells her to take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!