Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sound of the Desert Episode 1

Somewhere out in the Gobi Desert a really dirty woman is hanging out with her dog that is supposed to be a wolf but doesn't really look like a wolf. They spot a caravan passing by and the ragged woman decides she's had enough of her rags; it's time to steal something newer and better.
The caravan stops to make camp. There is one man riding a camel who has the power to stay clean and keep his white clothes sparkling white despite being surrounded by blowing dirt. This is Jiu Ye and when he's not riding a camel he is having to utilize a wheelchair.
That night Raggedy Anne sneaks down to the camp to start pilfering. She's caught in the act and must use her martial arts skills to try and get away. Jiu Ye may be in a wheelchair but he can still wield a crossbow. Raggedy Anne knows she can't outrun a bolt and so defiantly surrenders. Jiu Ye is intrigued by this dirty woman. Instead of chopping her hand off he gives over some clothes and salt to Raggedy Anne.
She goes back to her cave, cleans up (where'd she get the water?) and tries on her beautiful new blue outfit. The next day Raggedy Anne is out and about in her blue outfit when she comes across another group of men being attacked by bandits. She sends up a howl which brings out a pack of not-wolves. She orders the pack to scare off the bandits.
The men she saved were lost in the desert. They ask Raggedy Anne to show them the way to the nearest city. Since she has nothing better to do, Raggedy Anne agrees, telling them the trip will take a day or so on horseback. As introductions are made Raggedy Anne identifies herself as Xin Yue although I take it this isn't her real name. She has a history she must keep hidden.
Xin Yue doesn't know how to ride a horse and so must ride with Xiao Wei (a future corner of a love triangle with Xin Yue and Jiu Ye). As they make camp for the evening, Xin Yue has a flashback to several years ago when she saved a man she found in the desert. She refers to the man as "Father" even though he's not biologically related to her. As thanks for saving him, Father wraps a rope around young Xin Yue's throat and drags her kicking and screaming to civilization.
While she's leading the group to the nearest town, their ultimate destination is Jian An City. They thank Xin Yue for her help and pay her off. Xin Yue heads back to her cave but she's decided it's time for her to give up the wolf pack and start living with humans again. Her father had mentioned how great Jian An City was so Xin Yue sets out for it.
The only money Xin Yue has is the payment Xiao Wei gave her. Not understanding the value of money, Xin Yue spends it like water. She also struggles with the use of chopsticks. With all her money gone, Xin Yue goes out to look for work. Kicked out of the inn for not paying her bill, our wolf girl is forced to go sleep in the woods outside of the city with the other homeless beggars.
The next day Xin Yue goes around to the big houses looking for work as a laundress. At one of the houses a very suspicious woman who calls herself Aunt Hong does offer Xin Yue some housework in exchange for food. Don't trust her, Xin Yue!
A-ha, just as I suspected! This is a whorehouse. Aunt Hong drugs Xin Yue and locks the young girl up to be used later.

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