Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Hundred Year's Inheritance (Abridged) Episode 5

Off Topic: I highly recommend you read Dirty Little Secrets by C. J. Omololu.

On Topic: When last we saw our beleaguered belle, the writers failed to give her much of a cliffhanger.

Chae Won asks Se Yoon to continue to help her delve into the mystery of why she was the mental hospital in the first place. Se Yoon, for the umpteenth time, declares he's done with her and her problems, goodbye. 

Chae Won returns home to find her dad is waiting for her outside. He wants to have a father/daughter date with her in hopes of jogging her memory. Why she doesn't come out and ask Dad for help with the mental hospital mystery is, well, a mystery. She does tentatively ask if she was ever depressed enough to be committed somewhere but Dad just brushes such poppycock away. 

Back at home, Chae Won attempts to again speak with the house keeper, but the woman is too afraid of EMIL to say anything useful. Chae Won then does the stupid thing of asking EMIL about the mental hospital. EMIL replies Se Yoon must be lying for some reason as Chae Won was never in a mental hospital. With fake tears in her eyes, EMIL says she worries about her DIL recovering her memories as DIL won't like who she was. Chae Won asks her to be more specific but EMIL, with a catch in her throat, answers she's said too much already. 

When Chul Goo learns his wife wants to go check out the mental hospital herself, he runs in a panic to mommy. EMIL tells him to allow Chae Won to go ahead and snoop around all she wants. She'll arrange for the hospital staff on her payroll to fix things.

Se Yoon reminisces about his dead girlfriend. (I have a bone to pick with Viki about this. In only five episodes the girlfriend has been referred to by three different names. Please choose one and stick with it!)

Chae Won looks out a fake window at fake scenery as she tries to figure out who is lying to her. The next day she goes to the hospital only to be told no one named Min Chae Won has been admitted there. They even allow her to check the security video tapes which don't show any signs of Chae Won on them. This convinces the stupid girl that it is Se Yoon who is lying to her, but for what reason?

Back at Se Yoon's job, they're having a taste test with a new noodle soup. Guess this means Se Yoon's family is also in the food business. Anyway, remember Se Yoon lost his sense of taste in the car accident that killed his girlfriend with three names, so he really can't say if the new soup is good or not. In the middle of the taste(less) test he receives a phone call from Stupid Girl. She wants to meet with him but he refuses.

That night when Stupid Girl returns home, EMIL starts spinning a tall tale. She shows the pictures of Chae Won and Se Yoon together and tells Chae Won that before her memory loss she was cheating on her husband with Se Yoon. Stupid Girl never questions that the pictures were taken of the times she was with him after her memory loss, not before. Furthermore, EMIL claims Se Yoon was planning on dropping Stupid Girl which is why he's lying and saying she was in a mental hospital. So now Stupid Girl believes she's the world's biggest hussy.

The next day Chae Won absolutely insists on Se Yoon meeting her at the coffee house where they were at in the beginning of this episode. It's deja vu all over again. She throws a glass of water in his face and accuses him of having an affair with her. Se Yoon is mildly shocked.

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