The story begins a few years back during the winter of 2007. Jung Joo Ri (played by Jung Yoo Mi of I Need Romance 2012) is out with her boyfriend enjoying the performance of a choir performing Christmas carols. Joo Ri is delightfully surprised when her boyfriend chooses this moment to offer her a ring. She immediately accepts. Aww. Peace on Earth, goodwill to
A nearby building explodes in an inferno. Is this an accident? A terrorist attack? I can't tell for now. Joo Ri and her boyfriend are alright but the camera has been knocked into slo-mo mode. She watches as other people are screaming and running for cover when her attention is caught by the form of a high-heeled woman running towards the destroyed building. The woman tries to get closer to the fire but the police keep her back.
The Great Omniscient Voiceover gives us a quick explanation of "contract workers" ('round here we call them "temps") as we're whisked not only back to the present but all the way around the world to Spain. To an arena simply chocked full of random white guys. They're here to watch a female Korean matador do her stuff. This is our mysterious Miss Kim (played by Kim Hye Soo.) After her successful bullfight, Miss Kim receives a simple text saying the time is right for her to return home.
I didn't realize bullfighting was popular in Korea.
Back in Korea we the audience are taken to a hostile business meeting as different sides of the table try to place the blame on the other for their latest product not selling well. On the marketing side is Moo Jung Han (played by Lee Hee Joon of Jeon Woo Chi.) At the head of the table is Department Head Hwang Gab Deuk (played by Kim Eung Soo, an actor who is quickly approaching the rank of Old Man Who Is In Absolutely Everything.) He announces he knows just the person they need in order to sell their low-sodium soy sauce. And that person is...
Incredibly Bad Hair Man, also known as Jang Kyu Jik (played by Oh Ji Ho.)
Bad Hair-- I mean, Kyu Jik is on a plane flying in from the States. He sneaks upstairs to first class hoping to pitch his sales to someone. He slips into a first class seat like he owns it, oohing and ahhing over the real wood and expensive wine, when the real person who's supposed to be in the seat shows up. And that person is...
Incredibly Bad Hair Woman.
OMG, what is she wearing? OMG. If only I could show... OMG. My eyes. My brain.
Bad Hair Wo-- I mean, Our Miss Kim orders Kyu Jik (in better English than his) to get out of her seat. He can do nothing but slink off. As he pops some first class food into his mouth the plane experiences severe turbulence. Kyu Jik is knocked around, causing the food in his mouth to get lodged in his throat. He's choking! Thank goodness Our Miss Kim noticed his dilemma. She grabs his necktie to pull him up so she can punch him in the stomach and force the obstruction up and out. (Don't try this at home, kids.)
Kyu Jik at least tries to thank her but the attendant just now notices someone is in first class who shouldn't be and is asking him to leave. Before he's pushed out entirely Kyu Jik asks for his savior's name. With a cool look back at him she simply replies, "Kim. Miss Kim." Kyu Jik is instantly smitten, and the cameraman is kind of wobbly.
Joo Ri is getting dressed to go for an interview. She's desperate to get a job so she can put an end to all those annoying calls asking when is she going to pay back her student loan. Her interview is with Ahn Jong Chul (played by Oh Yong, who is apparently trying to give Incredibly Bad Hair Man a run for his money), who is head of a temporary service.
Kyu Jik has arrived at the home office and is working his schmoozing powers all over Gab Deuk. There's at least one person in the department who isn't falling for all this bullshit and that's old man Go Jung Do. Jung Han (whose haircut really isn't that much better but at least it's combed) gives a warm welcome back to Kyu Jik, even though this means Jung Han has lost his team leader position to the other man. Jung Do declares this as also bullshit. Tell it like it is, Jung Do!
Kyu Jik and Jung Han are working together holding interviews. The next person in is Jung Joo Ri. Kyu Jik, who seems to get instantly smitten quite easily, blurts out his first question: do you have a boyfriend? Joo Ri admits she just recently broke up with someone. Aww, what went wrong? Was it because of the building blowing up?
Jung Han brings them back to the matter at hand. This is an odd interview as they end up talking about being fermented soy beans. Whatever, she gets the temporary position. Afterwards Jung Han teases his friend that the only reason Kyu Jik hired Joo Ri is because of her looks. Kyu Jik replies that although Joo Ri is pretty, he's not looking for a temp worker. His ideal woman flies first class, dresses like a bag lady, drinks expensive wine and punches him when he needs it. She's somewhere out there in Seoul and he intends to find her.
Somewhere in Seoul-- wow, look at that traffic-- Incredibly Bad Hair Woman is in deep thought in a Bohemian attic apartment. She gets up-- wow, what is she wearing now?-- to blow the dust off of a long disused briefcase. She takes out a Swiss army knife and starts lopping off her incredibly bad hair as Superman's theme music plays. Um, scissors would do a better job, Miss Kim.
As Superman music still plays, Joo Ri is heading in for her first day on the job when a sudden wind gust blows a nearby woman's scarf up in the air. The scarf is blowing away when another hand reaches up to grab it. The crowd of office workers part like the Red Sea to reveal Our Miss Kim. You may have cut off your hair, Miss Kim, but it's still incredibly bad. With the morning sun backlighting her, Our Miss Kim nonchalantly returns to the scarf to its owner. Joo Ri (come to think of it she does kind of resemble Margot Kidder if you squint your eyes and turn your head) looks on in awe.
Jung Han is telling Kyu Jik they have to interview and hire one more worker when he says, "Ah, here she comes." Kyu Jik looks and sees Our Miss Kim walking in accompanied by Ahn Jong Chul (hallelujah, he's discovered what a hairbrush is for!) Even though her hair is cut and she's wearing dressed down black, he recognizes her as his savior from the plane. Kyu Jik thinks she's some kind of mover and shaker here to sign a big deal with the company only to learn she's another temp worker.
Kyu Jik asks a few interview questions but Our Miss Kim says nothing except she'll be the one in charge of the coffee from now on. Jong Chul hands them a Miss Kim User Manual. By golly next time I go to a job interview I'm gonna have me a user manual. Kyu Jik starts to complain but Jong Chul explains their boss, Gab Deuk, has already authorized her hiring. She's in whether they like it or not.
Time to get to work. Jung Han has his team of Joo Ri, Jung Do, and Our Miss Kim. They've had to set up their work area in a little used room and Jung Han gets choked on the dust. He goes to sit down and the office chair falls apart, dumping him in the floor. Miss Kim declares "This is my job." She pulls out her trusty Swiss army knife and fixes the chair. Curious, Jung Han looks in the Miss Kim User Manual and sure enough there it is - repairing broken office furniture and equipment.
When I have my user manual that's not going to be in it.
It's lunch time. Joo Ri first asks to have lunch with Our Miss Kim.
So that leaves her eating with the gossipy girls from the office. Joo Ri learns how they all think Kyu Jik worships the business while Jung Han has no backbone.
Back at work. Our Miss Kim is typing away like mad. I bet if you looked at her screen it would say
oiu34t-vuy [pe ]9q37t 08h23[5ojh[pv3 6bib54pojdfgjpo[ skagkbi6u93j6oiej g[0irt j43j[0v2 btpqe
Kyu Jik, hoping to assert his authority over her, brings over a huge stack of papers and orders her to organize them on Excel by tomorrow. Miss Kim loudly says to Jung Han that this here "Cabbage Patch Head" is NOT her boss. Please refer to the user's manual. Jung Han has to drag out the enraged cabbage patch-- er, Kyu Jik. Miss Kim returns to her typing.
kljfkl;andfv jpiohgjwo hfgWPJR'EJ ;JDOJNljnlk'nonbrjty e'g'jbjmdfklsdksngw fl;sfdoljhs ;'lkpgojse
This leaves the big pile of papers to Joo Ri to get organized. Jung Man attempts to be a boss and starts to ask Miss Kim to help the other girl out.
See above meme.
Now its time for the required musical interlude to show us Joo Ri working all alone into the night in an effort to prove her worthiness and hopefully be hired on full time. She gets it all done by 5 in the morning and saves it to a flashdrive that is attached to that friggin' Pororo penguin figurine. With only a few hours sleep, Joo Ri takes a cab to work and proudly announces to her boss that she got the work done.
Pororo lies on the backseat of the cab which is driving away.
Everyone is in crisis mode. Everyone but Miss Kim. They catch a break when the cab company calls back. The car has been found but it's being taken to a car wash. It takes five people to go to the car wash only to learn the guy who found the penguin gave it to another guy. He gave it to another guy. He gave it to another guy. He gave it to another guy who works at some kind of... I don't know where he works but he's got a hardhat on and he's up on the roof of some contraption. (BTW, all these men passing the penguin around are listed as cameos so they must be famous in Korea but I have no idea who they are.)
The fivers down below yell up to him about the penguin USB. He has it and throws it down to them. Only it goes way over their heads and lands on the steep side of a hill of sand. Joo Ri desperately starts scrambling up the slippery slope. Jung Han tries to follow but he just rolls back down. The hill is too dangerous and tricky so Joo Ri comes back down. She's worried about losing her job. They all could be losing their jobs as it looks like the important meeting must be canceled.
What's that rumbling sound? It's Our Miss Kim driving a front end loader. Miss Kim gets shit done! Now why didn't any of you think of this?
Miss Kim doesn't come cheap and charges Joo Ri $900 for saving her ass.
Since the meeting was so successful, Gab Deuk takes Jung Han and Kyu Jik out to a bar. Kim Eung Soo, you've got moves! Jung Han wants to talk about Miss Kim which makes Kyu Jik jealous. Suddenly the lights dim and a man and woman in silhouette come out and do a hot tango. When the lights come back on it's no surprise to us but it is to the guys - the female dancer is Our Miss Kim and her hair's not so bad.
Joo Ri is walking along the streets when she looks up and realizes she's back at the place where the explosion happened back in 2007. She goes home to look up more info on the incident. Ah, it was a bank that was blown up and one female contract employee was killed. This time when the flashback is played, we the audience can see the face of the woman running towards the fire. Our Miss Kim.
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