The story so far: Darna drops Tree Woman down into an active volcano and regains her powers of invincibility, thus she thinks her adversary is dead. But Tree Woman is alive. The lava simply burned off her bark and green lipstick. Now she looks human and goes by the name of Lucy. Miss Perfecta, leaping over logic entirely, thinks Lucy may be Consuelo's long lost daughter and takes the young woman back to the orphanage with her. The Imp has been revived! Probably because the writers realized what a washout Tree Woman is when it comes to being a villain so they brought back one they knew would do the job. Impy joins up with his niece, Serpina, who hides him out at the orphanage. At this point everyone is going to end up at the orphanage. Word is Valentina is dead but she's really being held captive in Dr. Morgan's lab. We have a new character with a familiar face. Cage match fighter Zandro has returned to San Martin in search of his roots. Those roots lead to his father, Cobra Commander. (Both are played by the same actor.)
Narda is just about to stumble upon Impy when she's distracted by the sound of fighting between Lucy and Consuelo.
Lucy is needing the blood of victims in order to get back her bark so she sends out her flower disciples to gather some.
Narda and Eduardo are out at the park trying to have a nice picnic together when they hear screaming. Eduardo runs to investigate and sees the flower disciples attacking people. Narda goes off to transform and is almost seen by Eduardo. Ya gotta be more careful than that, Narda.
Darna flies in to battle the disciples. Using her super speed, she plucks off all their flowers which makes them weak. They revert back to plant form.
An enraged Valentina breaks out of the lab. With her snakes covered up, Valentina is still recognized by people as a legendary healer and they all demand help. She orders everyone to meet tonight at the church where she will heal them all.
Zandro starts getting snake skin on his back.
Eduardo wants to introduce Narda to his father so they're having dinner tonight. He sends Watson to the orphanage to pick her up. As they're driving along, the radio reports people are trapped inside a burning vehicle. Narda has Watson pull over so she can hobble to the rescue. This of course makes her late for the dinner. Eduardo, who had been planning on asking Narda to marry him, is very disappointed in her.
Grandma Loleng, who didn't know Valentina was supposedly dead, hears the healer will be at the church. Loleng takes Consuelo there in hopes her daughter can be cured by Valentina. Valentina is counting on her "patients" to accept her for who she is and reveals her snake hair. Naturally everybody freaks out and wants to kill her. Only Grandma Loleng comes to Valentina's defense.
When Narda finally makes it to the restaurant, Eduardo keeps asking her where she's been, what was so important that she couldn't make it to the dinner on time. Narda hates having to lie to him and is close to telling Eduardo about her secret identity when Watson comes running in with the news about Valentina being alive and at the church. Eduardo calls his father to ask why he lied about her being dead so at least the mad scientist now knows where Valentina is.
Since no one will accept and love her, Valentina unleashes very slow moving snakes on the crowd. Ooh, and now she's getting snake eyes.
In the chaos of the attack, Consuelo is separated from her mother and is confronted by Valentina. The shock causes her memory to come back to her. Valentina makes her mother fall over the side of a building. Lucky for Consuelo, Darna comes flying up to catch her. She's reunited with Loleng but because she fears what people will think if they know she's Valentina's mother, Consuelo doesn't let on that she's regained her memory.
Darna tries to talk Valentina into turning away from the Dark Side. It doesn't work so the two women proceed to fight. Seeing that she can't defeat Darna directly, Valentina picks up a great big paper mache rock and throws it at some people. As Darna flies to catch the boulder, Dr. Morgan and Apollo have to opportunity to shoot Valentina with a dart gun. It has no effect except to piss Valentina off even more.
She tosses Dr. Morgan around some and is about to kill him when Eduardo slams a long metal spike through her chest. Whoa! Cobra Commander can feel her injuries and orders his reptiles to go fetch Valentina back to Snake Mountain. He tries to heal his daughter but her heart is too injured and she's fading fast. Cobra summons Serpina to the cave to help out her sister. Valentina needs a heart transplant but it needs to be a heart from one of their own, a Reptilio. But before they can get to that, Cobra Commander wants revenge on Eduardo.
Gabriel drops by the orphanage for a cameo. Eduardo comes driving up to pick Narda up for a date. Suddenly the earth begins to quake and Cobra Commander erupts from the ground. Eduardo gets his gun out of the car. Narda can't transform because there are too many people around. Cobra wraps Eduardo up in his tail and carries the human away.
Serpina gets Impy involved by promising he can eat Eduardo's heart. Cobra is slowly squeezing Eduardo to death. Eduardo is able to use his gun to get free of the snake's coils. Finally Narda has been able to transform into Darna and come to Eduardo's rescue. She picks Cobra up by his tail and swings him around and around until she impales him on yet another convenient long metal spike. They must have long metal spikes all over the Philippines for just such emergencies.
Cobra is able to get away from Darna but he's still dying. Serpina and Impy find her mortally wounded father and Cobra gives her his last instructions.
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