The show begins on a crowded subway. Our heroine, Han Se Kyung (played by Moon Geun Young - I don't really like her) is shoved to the side by fashionable women and their big (and ugly) designer purses. The scene of the women and their handbags segues into a video presentation by Cha Seung Jo (played by Park Shi Hoo. I kind of don't like him either, but because of The Princess' Man I'm going to give him another chance.) He's lecturing to a room of suits and random white people about what Korean customers want, which hopefully will be stuff from his business of Artemis. Seung Jo doesn't seem to have a high opinion of Korean women who are willing to go into debt just to have the latest, most expensive Artemis bag.
Now back to Se Kyung. She's being interviewed for a job by a random French woman for GN Fashion. Se Kyung answers back in the French she taught herself. (I don't speak French so I have no idea if she's massacring the language here or not.) Se Kyung gets the job thanks to some insider pull she doesn't know about.
However, it's not the designer job she was expecting. Instead she'll start off as a gopher in a The Devil Wears Prada kind of way. (BTW, do not waste your time reading The Devil Wears Prada. Blech.)
I'm struggling to make it to the ten-minute mark here.
There's some kind of wedding going on. Se Kyung wants to leave early but her friend with the bobbed hair tells her to wait as a group of really rich guys should be showing up soon. But Se Kyung is kind of, almost, not quite dating this guy already so she goes home to enjoy the quarreling between her parents over money. Always a good way to end the day.
Se Kyung starts her job by running around town picking up various things for "Madame." While she's busy talking aloud to herself (something she's been doing quite a bit of in just these fifteen minutes), Se Kyung gets the company car involved in an accident. You can already guess that it's Cha Seung Jo in the other car. He starts off being surprisingly nice, asking her if she's alright. But when he sees all the shopping bags in her car, he assumes she's just another rich bitch and his attitude swiftly changes. He lies and pretends to be merely the assistant to the president of Artemis.
I'm proud of myself for watching (more or less) the first twenty minutes. Let's see if I can make it to twenty-five.
Se Kyung delivers all the bags to the maids standing out in the lobby before Madame's palatial penthouse. Inside, watching on the security screen, is the mysterious Madame. She's the woman who saw Se Kyung's job application and helped to get her hired. She may be Seo Yoon Joo, but at this point I really don't care.
We get a flashback to school daze with Se Kyung and Yoon Joo (who stole Se Kyung's boyfriend.) Oh thank God, a cat fight! The one highlight of the show so far.
Seung Jo has a meeting with.... Ah, I don't care. I don't care who this old guy is. I don't care Artemis isn't going to be sold in a shabby department store. I don't care!!! Oh, turns out the old man is Seung Jo's dad. Seung Jo is now a Socialist. Still don't care.
And now I'm going to go follow a white rabbit down a hole.
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