Since Yeol Mae can't save her relationship with Seok Hyun, she's decided to devote herself to saving the world. (Ah, the old I Have To Do Something To Keep Me Busy So I Don't Have Time To Think About What A Wreck My Personal Life Is routine.)
Jae Kyung celebrates her divorce by getting an ugly wig. At least I hope that's a wig and not her real hair. A wig you can at least throw in the back of the closet and never let it see the light of day again, which is what I want to happen to her new look. While she's not at all upset about the breakup of her marriage, she is upset about the breakup of her company. Her small staff abandons Jae Kyung, having lost faith in her. Good thing Jeong Min is there to comfort her.
Yeol Mae goes back to her whining, childish, clinging ways and apparently tries to annoy Seok Hyun into taking her back. This leads to yet another breakup fight. I fear this won't be the last. Yeol Mae is really getting on my last nerve. No man in his right mind would want to be with such an incompetent, incomplete adult. Which makes me wonder about Ji Hoon. What in the world does he see in Yeol Mae that he would want to date her?
The girls get together to play pool and discuss different ways to break up a relationship based on different movie scenarios. In the end they decide to go see a fortune teller. (Jae Kyung, thank goodness, changes out of that awful wig and into something slightly better.) They all get a terrible fortune. The girls all have a violent fate and are doomed to drive men away.
After hearing something like that, what is there to do but go to a church and ask God, "Why are you doing this to me?" That and drink alcohol. A sister comes in and the girls recognize her as an old teacher of theirs, the teacher Ji Hee had a vision of back in the hotel room with Asswipe. The sister teacher takes them all to a smaller church and makes them pray for forgiveness for drinking in the cathedral.
As she's riding the bus home Yeol Mae gets a text message from Ji Hoon, warning her it's supposed to rain tonight and he's worried about whether she has an umbrella. She doesn't and is forced to walk in the rain to her house. Yet once she gets there Yeol Mae is too heartbroken to go inside and be so near yet so far from Seok Hyun. She decides to go sleep in her music studio. To get there she passes the coffee shop and Ji Hoon sees her. He offers to take her to his house so she can dry off.
He tells her a story of how she saved his life. Ji Hoon was traveling in Africa and got lost in Ethiopia. His vehicle broke down and there were no people around. He walked for days with no food or water. Ji Hoon was ready to give up and lay down and die when a memory of Yeol Mae came to him. It was from her guitar class where she advised her students if their fingers were hurting to keep playing just a little more in order to build up calluses. So Ji Hoon kept walking and whenever he thought of stopping he would tell himself just a little more. Eventually he reached a homestead and was rescued. Ji Hoon tells Yeol Mae to stop thinking about herself as a woman who was dumped but instead think of herself as a woman who saved a man's life.
The next morning Seok Hyun wonders where Yeol Mae spent the night. I'll tell you where: she spent it in Ji Hoon's bed. Oh, don't get excited. He's asleep on the couch. She gets up to cover him with a blanket and says she's leaving. Suddenly Ji Hoon sits up and kisses her. Shocked, Yeol Mae runs out of his apartment and into the street, just in time for Seok Hyun (who has been looking for her) to witness all this. He orders her to go back inside and put her own clothes on (she's wearing Ji Hoon's sweats and t-shirt). Yeol Mae retorts it is none of his business where she spends the night or with who. Just then Ji Hoon comes out, all affable smiles, does the patented Korean Wrist Grab, and says for her to come back inside and have breakfast. As Ji Hoon is pulling her inside, the camera shows up Seok Hyun is on the verge of action and going after them, but he doesn't.
Yeol Mae tells Ji Hoon that the guy outside is the guy she likes, the one who dumped her. Ji Hoon (voicing all of our opinions) tells her to stop going around in circles with this relationship, end it right now and concentrate all her energies in finding a new man, even if that man isn't Ji Hoon.
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