Wow, this was a bad episode, and may be the end of the road for me.
Lee In Im scolds a wounded Soo Ryun Gae for the night's fiasco. Sure, she may have killed Dong Yoon, but his son got away. Ryun Gae hands him the ring she took from Ji Sang. In Im orders his men to find the boy. He's not the only one, as Lee Sung Gye also has his men searching for Ji Sang.
It's Moo Yung who finds him first, throwing a knife into the kid's shoulder. Thinking he's dead, Moo Yung's men bury Ji Sang in a shallow grave. Later that night after they've all gone, Ji Sang digs his way out of his grave and he's hungry for braaaiiiiinnnnsssss. (No, not really, but it sure would have helped this episode out to have a zombie or two in it.)
In her role has high priestess, Ryun Gae supposedly has a vision. She reports to Noguk that she foresees the queen giving birth to a prince in the future, but first all prisoners sentenced for execution should be commuted to exile. This would include the traitor Dae Ho. The royal couple are that desperate for an heir that Dae Ho is spared.
In Im has his son, Jung Geun, brought to his study (for lack of a better word) to be scolded for having been caught with illegal Chinese contraband. At the end of the scolding, Jung Geun sees his father toss a gold ring (Ji Sang's) into a pen box. I mention this because it has bearing later on.
Jung Geun is supposed to be meeting Hae In for a study date and he's asking a house maid how he looks. She asks what kind of present he's going to bring to the meeting. He never even thought about a present. Remembering the gold ring his father apparently had no regard for, Jung Geun goes back to the study to dig the ring out of the box. Out in the courtyard, he's showing the ring to the maid and asking if it's a good enough present when Young Ji comes by and asks to see what he has. She immediately recognizes the ring and demands to know where he got it. Jung Geun stammers out he got it from his father's room.
(If you're keeping score, the ring has gone from Young Ji to Ji Sang to Ryun Gae to In Im to Jung Geun and now back to Young Ji. That is one well traveled piece of jewelry.)
In Im is over at Ryun Gae's place when they're surprised by a visit from Young Ji. She shows the ring and demands to know where her child is. Ryun Gae jumps in and tells the princess that both father and son are dead. Young Ji declares she's done. She's done being In Im's wife. She's done being Jung Geun's mother. She's done, done, done. She goes back to the house to pack her things and move back to the palace.
Meanwhile, during all this, Hae In is out in the woods tasting things when she stumbles upon a very dirty and delirious Ji Sang. She doesn't know who he is, she just knows he needs help. She takes him over to a small shrine/temple/outhouse and tries to nurse him back to health. Instead she botches the job. Hae In goes running to her father for help. Oh, hey, it turns out Hae In is the daughter of Hyu Myung. They race back to the little temple only to find Ji Sang has left.
Jong Dae cleans Ban Ya up and then basically pimps her out. Poor Ban Ya. As if her life wasn't hard enough already, it ain't gonna get any better as she gets traded around, eventually ending up in the hands of some rough and dirty backwoodsmen.
Lee Ga No, still sporting that awful hair, orders Ryun Gae to prevent the queen's pregnancy. Ryun Gae bribes a servant in the palace to sprinkle some substance on the coals that heat the queen's room. Also, Ryun Gae goes out to light a bonfire to disrupt the king's ley lines or something. I really don't understand feng shui.
With nowhere else to go, Ji Sang tries to attach himself to that bastard, Jong Dae. And, really, that's it. There's no cliffhanger to this even-numbered episode. The show actually ends with Ji Sang peering thoughtfully at a giseang's face. What kind of an ending is that, I ask you? How is that supposed to make me eager to see next week's episode?
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