Friday, May 25, 2012

Gyebaek Episode 2

Mishil-lite tries to get Mu Jin to come over to her side, using their past relationship as a means to bend him to her will. Mu Jin makes it clear what was in the past stays in the past (and in Vegas) and he will not betray the king. Later that night, unable to sleep, Mu Jin tries to calm himself with a little wood carving. His pregnant wife comes to check up on him and sees what he's carving. They are two little wood figures that Mu Jin says represents her and their child. (Just like the little figurines Maximus had in Gladiator! I know, I know - I need to let this go. I just can't!)

A Buddhist monk is being tortured. The jailer in charge asks the monk who he is spying for. The monk admits he's working for Koguryo. The jailer says there is a way for the monk to save himself and whispers instructions in the man's ear. When next the jailer asks who he is working for, the monk changes his story and says he is for Silla.

Mu Jin is escorting the queen and prince to a local Buddhist temple. On their way back they are confronted by a troop of soldiers. There is the jailer from the previous scene. (I don't know this guy's rank or name so I'm calling him the jailer.) When Mu Jin asks what the meaning of this is, the jailer brings forth the monk, claiming he just caught this guy around the same temple the queen and them had been to. The monk pleads for the queen and Mu Jin to forgive him for being caught, acting like he knows them. The Jailer holds up a map of the capital, saying the reason the queen had gone to the temple was to give this map to the spy from Silla. Ah, clever.

The jailer wants to arrest the queen but of course Mu Jin isn't having any of that. He orders his men to stand guard around the queen. Yet when the jailer orders the royal guard to stand down, they back off, leaving poor Mu Jin all by himself. Mu Jin and Excalibur start to attack when the queen orders him to halt. She'll give herself up in order to avoid any bloodshed. As they're slowly returning to the palace the queen rips a piece of cloth from her dress and using her own blood writes a message on it.

When the king hears the queen has been arrested he's totally helpless. Mishil-lite comes to visit and she's all, "This can't be true. We'll investigate and find out the truth." The queen and Prince Uija are put under house arrest and are about to be separated, which I think is a good thing. Uija is too much of a moma's boy. He needs to cut the apron strings and have some masculine influence in his life. Anyway, before they are separated his mother is able to secretly hand her bloody note to her son, ordering him to read it later.

Mu Jin is being tortured, trying to get him to confess to being a spy. The king tries to cut a deal with his prime minister/father-in-law. The Minister of Justice is questioning the monk spy about details of how he got the map. This minister seems to be an honest guy. He's not totally buying the monk's story and goes to send someone off to investigate the temple. When the minister comes back to continue questioning, it is to find the monk spy has been murdered by the Purists.

Mishil-lite comes to gloat over the bloody Mu Jin. She offers him one last chance to save himself if he'll incriminate the queen. Does she not know this man she claims to have loved? Of course he won't do that. The minister of justice decides that even though the case is sloppy and the monk is dead, there is still enough evidence to convict the queen. Their laws state that she and her entire family must die, queen or no queen.

Mishil-lite informs the king that the Council of Nobles are going to vote to put the queen to death. Mishil-lite offers to help the king by providing a carriage to whisk the queen and prince away to the border with Silla. The king will lose his beloved family, but at least they'll be alive somewhere. However, she insists that Mu Jin stays.

Mishil-lite goes to where the royal family is being held. When the guards try to stop her, Mishil-lite and her dainty maids slaughter the guards. Take that, dudes in armor! Wait, I shouldn't be cheering them on.

In another action scene, one lone ninja takes out the guards stationed around where Mu Jin is being held prisoner. Seriously, no wonder Baekje fell if all their soldiers are taken out by one ninja. The ninja frees Mu Jin and returns Excalibur to him. Wait, that voice... could that be the balls-free king in the ninja outfit? I was not expecting that. Mu Jin rushes home to find his wife and watermelon are okay. He and his pregnant wife ride off on horseback which I'm sure is totally fine for a woman that far gone in pregnancy to do.

They catch up to the carriage carrying the queen and prince. Mu Jin takes over driving the carriage but a hoard of ninja Purists stop them. They're being led by Mishil-lite in all her ninja glory. When the queen overhears that Mishil-lite had been sending them back to Silla (the queen didn't know where they were going), the queen jumps out of the carriage, refusing to allow herself or her son to be branded traitors to Baekje. With one last command to Mu Jin to not allow Uija to go to Silla, the queen pulls out a small knife and slits her own throat. (Squeamish Hulu blurs this out.)

Sa Taek Bi orders the Purists to kill everyone. Mu Jin and Excalibur keep the ninjas busy in order to give pregnant wife and prince a chance to get ahead. After killing a few Purists, Mu Jin is able to catch up to the duo. (actor Cha In Pyo has been working out. Not that I'm complaining. Hell no, I'm not complaining! If I'm going to do any complaining it would be for the show not giving enough shirtless scenes to the man.) Suddenly the prince gets all stubborn. He tells Mu Jin to go ahead and escape, but he's going to take his mother's body back home, inherit the throne, and kill everyone involved. Mu Jin accepts the prince's decision and creates a hidey hole for the boy, leaving with some last minute instructions on how to get back to the capital safely.

Mu Jin and wife are caught on the edge of a cliff, naturally, surrounded by Jilsook sorry, Kwi Un and his men. Mu Jin has been wounded and his fighting skills are starting to suffer. When Kwi Un starts to go for the unprotected (and is she in labor?) wife, Mu Jin grabs her and they jump off the cliff into the sea, which I'm sure is totally fine for a woman that far gone in pregnancy to do. Is anyone else having Queen Seondeok flashbacks besides me? I mean, besides all the Queen Seondeok cast being reused in this drama, but that show also had a pregnant woman going over the side of a cliff into the sea.

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