Monday, January 27, 2014

Prince of Lan Ling Episode 9

Oh, sweet Prince. Let's see what shenanigans you're up to today.
King Yuwen Yung has forced Xue Wu to accompany him to witness the battle at Luo Yang. Yung is confident both that he will win the war and that Gao Chang Gong is dead from the poison and no longer a threat. He signals for the attack to begin.
Chang Gong's voiceover explains to us his plan of attack. First Yang Shi Shen will lead a contingent to make a surprise attack against the Zhou's rear. As predicted, Yung orders General Yuchi Jiong to see about this new problem. Shi Shen gets Yuchi to chase them up a hill to where Xiao Dong and the villagers wait in ambush. Just as the Zhou foot soldiers are climbing up the steep hill, the villagers unleash an avalanche of logs and boulders.
Chang Gong dons his battle mask. Time to get down to business. As he and his cavalry charge down the hill, his archers attack from the side, shooting flaming arrows into the Zhou's tents (which look like teepees). Inside those tents are the blankets the Zhou's had stolen from the villagers. The blankets had been specially treated with Xue Wu's explosive formula.
The Zhou army is now in total panic and disarray. Chang Gong and his valiant 500 storm straight towards the city gates, while tossing a few primitive grenades left and right. The city's beleaguered troops rejoice at the arrival of Prince of Lan Ling and are about to open the gates when that useless Gao Wei belays the order. The crown prince thinks this is a Zhou trick to get into the city and that's not really Lan Ling. (Actually, this is a good point and I can see why Wei is cautious.) Chang Gong takes off the mask to prove his identity. 
The city troops open the gate and joyfully rush to join Chang Gong. The prince urges them to seize the day now that they've gotten the advantage and he leads them into a mass slaughter on the retreating Zhou. Gao Wei doesn't look too happy at having his thunder stolen. 
King Yuwen rides out in an attempt to reassemble his troops. He and Chang Gong give each other the stink eye. 

Both men reach for a bow and arrow and fire at each other. Both men are able to deflect the other's arrow. Somewhere General Yuchi is about to lead his reserve troops into battle when suddenly he's stopped by a messenger. The Prime Minister, Yuwen Hu (the king's other nemesis), is furious at Yung making this unsanctioned attack. Hu orders everyone to retreat. The messenger further warns Yuchi that if the general doesn't obey the prime minister's orders, Yuchi will return home to attend the funerals of his entire family.
Meanwhile, Hulu Sr. arrives with 30,000 reinforcements. Yung is wondering where the heck Yuchi is when, without his consent, the retreat signal is sounded. General Yuwen Shen Ju has to break it to the king about the prime minister's intervention from afar. As Yung seethes in futility, Chang Gong leads a sudden charge in an attempt to capture the rival king. Yung has no choice but to retreat.
During the confusion, Xue Wu makes her break for freedom. She's pursued by Zhou soldiers who want to bring their divine sorceress back home. Xue Wu dives into a nearby forest where she's reunited with Chang Gong. A storm breaks so he takes her to a nearby abandoned house for shelter. Finally, some alone time.
We learn the empty house was once where Chang Gong and his mother lived when he was young. He had a happy and simply life with his mother until the day Imperial Tutor Duan Shao came to fetch Chang Gong to live in the palace. It seems Mom was once an army follower who just happened to get pregnant by the king. Young Chang Gong innocently expected Mom to come join him in the palace. He never saw her again.
Xue Wu gives him a comforting hug. Chang Gong thinks back to all the adventures they've had together (which is quite a lot for just nine episodes). He takes her face in his hands and looks like he's about to make his move when Chang Gong notices Xue Wu feels hot. Is she ill? Xue Wu starts to faint. Aw, girl! This is no time to be fainting!

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