Monday, September 10, 2012

May Queen Episode 7

How frustrating. Vampire Prosecutor has started a new season and I can't find it anywhere. Dramabeans has a recap of the first episode. Trying hard not to read it until I see the show.
Meanwhile, here's a show I know I can find at Viki.
Violin music plays (which is never a good sign) as a weak Hong Chul attempts to tell Hae Joo who her real mother is. Geum Hee walks into the room to see how he's doing. Hong Chul spends his last bit of strength and points at Geum Hee - then he dies. Hae Joo cries inconsolably at his bedside. (I still want to just shower Kim Yoo Jung with awards. She cries so convincingly.)
Geum Hee steps out into the hallway where she left In Hwa, Chang Hee, and cringer Gi Cheol. They can all clearly hear Hae Joo's cries from the other room. Geum Hee asks Gi Cheol to take care of funeral arrangements for the man (that he killed!) since she figures the family is not in a financial state to take care of it themselves. Gi Cheol is so crushed by guilt he's even limping.
He informs his boss, bastard Jang Do Hyun, about Hong Chul's death, conveniently leaving out the part that he was the hit and run driver. Do Hyun orders Gi Cheol to retrieve the yellow top from wherever Hong Chul had it stashed. Just then Nameless Minion enters the office to inform them about the men being caught at the pear orchard. Do Hyun throws papers around and blames Yoon Jeong Woo for this. (I'm constantly distracted by this television set he has in his office. On top of the set are some large horns of some animal. A longhorn? A water buffalo? What the hell are they?)
As Hae Joo spreads her father's ashes on the ocean waves, she flashes back to all the sweet father/daughter moments they had. Meanwhile, back at their hovel, Gi Cheol is desperately searching for the baby clothes. He doesn't find it but he does find the piece of paper with the loan shark's bank account number written on it. Just then the grieving family wearily trudge back home. Gi Cheol explains he was kindly organizing their father's things for them. For the first time in his life idiot Sang Tae is right about something - he's suspicious of Gi Cheol's presence in their house when they weren't home.
That evening the police stop by to question Hae Joo further about the accident. She has to explain how the truck was swerving to avoid hitting her on the bicycle. Pregnant Bitch Mom does her thing and promptly throws Hae Joo out of the house, ordering her never to return. And of course it starts to rain on the girl as well.
Geum Hee is puttering around the house when her sister, Bong Hee, stops by for a visit. Do Hyun pulls his sister-in-law aside for a talk. He tells Bong Hee how her sister hasn't been acting right lately and she reveals the recent and painful run in with Jeong Woo at the graveside of his brother. That's another black mark in Do Hyun's book. I'm seriously getting worried for Jeong Woo.
Chang Hee and Kang San find an unconscious Hae Joo the next morning. She's burning up with fever. They carry her back to what they think is her home, only to have Pregnant Bitch Mom refuse to take her in. Kang San (my hero) says to take her back to his house where they'll report Pregnant Bitch mom to the authorities for child abuse. Hae Joo wakes up long enough to apologize to Pregnant Bitch Mom and plead not to be kicked out, then she collapses again. Pregnant Bitch Mom finally gives in enough to order the boys to put Hae Joo in Sang Tae's room.
Once in his room, Kang San (again my hero) jumps Sang Tae's case. How could he allow Hae Joo to be kicked out of the house? Why didn't he go looking for her when he saw it was raining? What kind of brother is he? (Ya know, this is probably the most lines Sang Tae's character has had in the entire show so far.)
That evening a feverish Hae Joo hallucinates seeing her father at her side. Even in death they have sweet father/daughter moments. He gently urges her to get better and stronger, and to not think Pregnant Bitch Mom hates her. (She does, but never mind.)
Speaking of Pregnant Bitch Mom, she finally goes into labor. While Sang Tae runs to get help, a quickly recovered Hae Joo goes to the woman's aid. The boy doesn't get back in time so it's up to Hae Joo to help Mom give birth. It goes quickly and well from what I can tell. It's a girl, BTW.
Do Hyun is holding a board meeting where they discuss the much coveted pear orchard. He wants the illegal village (where Hae Joo's family lives) to be torn down and the villagers forced out, by violence if necessary. To make his point, Do Hyun throws a glass ashtray at one of his employees. Meeting is adjourned.
Out in the hallway Gi Cheol reports back to his boss that he was unable to find the yellow baby top. He tells Do Hyun that perhaps Hong Chul threw it away after he received the money (that Hong Chul ended up not accepting. Hmm, what did you do with that money, Gi Cheol?) Anyway, Do Hyun is satisfied that the business with the baby clothes is over. He orders Gi Cheol to be in charge of demolishing the illegal village.
Grandpa Kang Dae Pyung's business is being investigated for tax evasion, stock market manipulation, and embezzlement. Do Hyun is hanging out in Grandpa's office and isn't a bit ashamed to admit he's behind all this. Grandpa swears to fight back. Kang San witnesses all this.
Chang Hee stops by Hae Joo's house to drop off some rice. Suddenly Sang Tae comes sliding in (I don't know if that was intentional or not but it was funny) to warn her that their village is going to be torn down. A crowd including Jeong Woo and Bong Hee gathers in front of the big demolition equipment. A hard hat yells at the villagers they have only one hour to pack up and get the hell out of Dodge. Jeong Woo, Bong Hee and Hae Joo lay down in the road right before the excavator. A fight breaks out between the villagers and the hard hats.
In the background, unnoticed until now, is a cringing Gi Cheol with his own little yellow hard hat on. Suddenly he loses touch with his sanity. Grabbing a sledge hammer he screams at the mob to back off or he'll kill them all. They back off. He screams (well, it's more of a high pitched squeal) and uses the hammer to attack a wall. Chang Hee runs over and grabs his father, who now collapses into tears. Oh yeah, somebody is heading for the funny farm.
Later, at another location, Chang Hee is asking his father how he can destroy the village. Hae Joo happens upon them and eavesdrops. Gi Cheol orders his son to never associate with Hae Joo again. Chang Hee refuses, prompting Gi Cheol to slap him.
Bong Hee goes to confront Do Hyun about what he's doing to the poor villagers. She makes the mistake of mentioning Jeong Woo's name and Do Hyun gets that look on his face. I continue to be worried over Jeong Woo.
Jeong Woo goes to tell Geum Hee what her beloved husband is up to. She had no idea what was going on.
Hae Joo fixes Pregnant- whoops, she's not pregnant any more. She also doesn't seem to be as bitchy as she was. Perhaps it was the baby making her the evil hag she was. But I digress. Hae Joo fixes Mom some food to eat as she explains her plans to get a job, any job, to support the family. Mom worries where they will go if the village is torn down.
Il Mun dares to ask his father if they can go to their mother's grave to pay respects. They haven't been in so long. Do Hyun immediately jumps down Il Mun's throat. He tells the boy that Geum Hee is the only mother he has and to stop thinking about that other woman. (Several over at Viki theorize Do Hyun probably offed his inconvenient first wife.)
Geum Hee confront Do Hyun about the pear orchard business and they argue. Do Hyun relents and, with Geum Hee listening, he calls someone and orders the villagers to be compensated for their homes.
Jeong Woo stops by Hae Joo's house to drop off some food for the new mom. He sees that the girl is having to sleep outside. She says it's because of the baby waking up at all hours. He offers her a warm, dry place to sleep at his house. (I know he's her uncle, but I'm still not comfortable with this.)
He goes to make some ramen noodles as Hae Joo straightens up his very small living quarters. As she moves a book an envelope falls out of it. She notes the letter is addressed to Yoo Jin from Dad. After she wolfs down all the food, Hae Joo asks him who Yoo Jin is. Jeong Woo tells her his brother, Hak Soo, wrote this letter the day his daughter was born. Jeong Woo allows her to read the letter, which mentions queens and the month of may, hence the title of the show. Suddenly Bong Hee rushes in to tell Jeong Woo the good news that Do Hyun has agreed to compensate the villagers for their land.
A table has been set up where the money is being doled out. Hae Joo's mom is practically drooling at the sight of all the money being handed out to the villagers. She eagerly gets into line for her piece of the pie. Ah, but there's a catch. Only people who have lived on the land for twenty years or more are getting paid. Hae Joo's family has been there for only a month. No soup for you!
Guess who also hasn't lived in the village for more than twenty years? Jeong Woo and Bong Hee come back to find his teeny tiny house is being demolished. Not only that but the police are there to arrest him for instigating violence. As he's being dragged off to jail, Jeong Woo calls back to Bong Hee to take care of Hae Joo's family.
She'd better hurry as Hae Joo and the clan are leaving town. They have just a handcart to carry their belongings and no real plan of where to go. Then wouldn't you know it, somebody turns on the rain machine. The destitute family seeks shelter beneath an underpass. The kids start whining about being so hungry. There's just a little bit of rice left and Hae Joo tries to cook it over a campfire when idiot Sang Tae knocks the pot over. Everybody starts bawling their eyes out.
What kind of ending is that?

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