Saturday, March 8, 2014

Prince of Lan Ling Episode 45

Yuwen Yung plans to take down Qi State utilizing shock and awe. They'll come in from the north, from where the Qi will least expect a Zhou attack. Yung predicts he'll need only three battles to win the war.
Prince of An De tries to talk some sense into Emperor Gao Wei, who is still playing at being a beggar. Gao Wei appears to be flying high and doesn't really care about Ping Yang City falling to the Zhou. It's up to Zheng Er to manipulate her husband into donning his armor and leading his army into battle. All she's really interested in, though, is whether all this fighting will make Chang Gong appear.
Oh, we get some anime as the Great Omniscient Voiceover tells us something about the battle of Ping Yang.
Hulu Senior receives word that some faithful Qi soldiers are still in the walled city. At three o'clock in the afternoon they plan to open the city gates so Gao Wei can lead his men inside. Zheng Er asks for him to wait while she gets ready. She so wants to see this. Hulu Senior worries that they'll miss the deadline if they wait much longer. Zheng Er takes her own sweet time getting dressed and Gao Wei insists on waiting on her. The result being he misses his chance at victory. Ping Yang falls to the Zhou.
Zheng Er finally shows up and pouts that it's not her fault. Who cares about a stinky old city anyway? Hulu Senior has had enough. He starts saying what everyone else is thinking: that Gao Wei is weak and Zheng Er is evil. Gao Wei is so enraged he strangles Hulu Senior with a bowstring. Duan Shao is put under arrest to be executed later. 
(Yep, more and more I'm convinced everybody's gonna be dead by the last episode.)
Gao Wei is convinced Ye City (the capital) can't be defended and the court should hightail it down south somewhere. The emperor tells Zheng Er about his brilliant plan to burn down Ye City before the Zhou can enjoy it. During the confusion, Gao Wei and Zheng Er can simply slip away, with everyone else thinking the royal couple was killed in the fire. Zheng Er acts like, "Sure, I'm down with that. Just let me go pack a couple of things first."
Chang Gong is infuriated to learn about Hulu Senior's death and Duan Shao's scheduled execution for tomorrow afternoon. Xue Wu insists whatever his plan is to include her in it. His plan is to not only rescue the imperial tutor but to also wipe out the royal couple.
As part of the emperor's plans, Eunuch Si Xi has procured two corpses (one of them Zheng Er's evil maid) and dressed the dead up as the royal couple so it is their bodies that will be found in the upcoming fire. As the old saying goes, two can keep a secret if one of them is dead. To make sure this little subterfuge doesn't get leaked, Gao Wei poisons Si Xi.
Another one bites the dust.
Zheng Er comes in to makes Gao Wei take another sleeping pill. (Both just ignoring the still warm body of Si Xi lying on the floor at their feet.) With the emperor fast asleep, Zheng Er starts to make her move. What she doesn't see is that Gao Wei is really awake. He didn't swallow the pill. He gets up to secretly follow her.

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