Daddy Cha brings crazy Kang Seo Wool back to the house to try and figure out this mess. Dal Bong only knows Seo Wool from attacking her at the train station, not from asking her to marry him back twelve years ago. Seo Wool tells the story in flashback style of when a young Dal Bong had fallen into some water and she fished him out. This jars Dal Bong's memory but claims that wasn't him who nearly drowned, it was someone else. In Dal Dong's flashback, a boy in a red shirt is flopping around in the water while another boy on the rocks is really slow to react. Before the second boy (supposedly Dal Bong) can even get his feet wet, a young Seo Wool (complete with Bionic Woman sound effects) leaps into the water and saves Red Shirt. So what's the real story here? Who was drowning and who was standing there like an idiot?
Chairman Moon is out of the hospital and back to the office. Moon Tae Joo is mad because he had ordered dad's driver to be fired but Mr. Lee is still on the payroll. Tae Joo and Cha Kang Shim bicker as future lovers always do. Tae Joo accuses her of trying to seduce his dad when really Kang Shim is trying to cover for the chairman who has been wooing Baek Sul Hee (played by Na Young Hee).
Dal Bong tries to get out of the pyramid scam he was suckered into. He becomes embroiled in a Brawl in the Hall. Seo Wool uses her X-Men/Banshee powers to stop the fight, shames the Men In Black for ganging up on Dal Bong, and pays off the head scammer so her man can walk away. Now that she has no money and Dal Bong owes her, Seo Wool insists on staying with the Cha's. (Park Hyung Shik looks an awful lot like a young Ji Sung. Just sayin'.) Dal Bong sneaks Seo Wool off the fake street set and up to a rooftop apartment being used as a storage room where he hopes to hide her.
That evening at the family dinner table, Dal Bong has a Marcia! Marcia! Marcia! fight with older brother Marcia Kang Jae. (Is the brother ever going to get a storyline besides just being an all-around ass?) Dal Bong doesn't find a chance to break it to Daddy Cha that there's a girl stashed upstairs.
As night falls and everyone heads to their respective rooms, a hungry Seo Wool sneaks down into the main house in search of food. She's caught by sister Kang Shim.

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