Sunday, May 11, 2014

Angel Eyes Episode 8

You wouldn't believe the trouble I had to go through just to get this episode to play.

So where were we before everything crapped out? Oh yeah, Dong Joo and Soo Wan were acting all unprofessional at work when Ji Woon stops by. He doesn't see the couple back hugging when he arrives and calls Soo Wan on her cell phone to ask where she's at.

Once again Ji Woon absolutely refuses to believe he's been dumped. He graciously tells Soo Wan he'll wait for her while she goes and finishes up that business with her first love.

Back at the hospital, Dr. Oh No! reminds Ji Woon that he must be the absolute best at everything he does, so she will appear to be the absolute best at producing the absolute best son. No pressure - just walk on water or something.

Dong Joo rides with Soo Wan and Teddy out on an emergency call. During soccer practice a player has collapsed. Big medical words are thrown around. About all I catch of it is the unconscious guy has a problem with his lungs. Needles are involved which means I'm not involved. In conclusion, Dong Joo does his voodoo and is able to stabilize the soccer player enough to be transported to the ER.

Yep, them same two doctors are still on duty. They're never off. They live at the hospital and never sleep. Once they see "Dylan Park" is back working for the EMT, the ER staff quickly abandons their patients to surround the doctor and express their joy.

Ji Woon tries to kickstart their bromance back up. Dylan tells Ji Woon to start calling him Dong Joo. Just as Dong Joo is about to explain his story, Ji Woon is called away to an emergency.

That evening Dong Joo drops by Detective Kim Woo Chul's apartment with another big bowl of stew. Over dinner Woo Chul tells the doctor how he and Cha Min Soo are reinvestigating Dong Joo's mother's case.

Another work day at the fire station. Dong Joo is surprised by a visit from Ellie/Hye Joo, who has just arrived from America. Teddy has already got the hots for little sister.

During a conversation with his not-to-be father-in-law, Ji Woon lets the cat out of the bag that Dong Joo is now working with Soo Wan. Dr. Evil is not pleased, especially after Ji Woon confesses that things are a tad rocky right now between the (un)engaged couple. Dr. Evil later calls Dong Joo and gives a gruff invite to dinner tomorrow night at his place.

[Remember, kids: never eat with evil people.]

Sure enough, Dong Joo arrives for dinner to find that Ji Woon has also been invited. We the Viewers have to endure yet another awkward dinner scene, something this show is getting good at. Dr. Evil introduces Dong Joo as his son and tells Soo Wan to think of the young doctor as her brother. This is very important in Korean culture where you don't have to be genetically related to someone for it to be considered incest. See: A Hundred Year's Inheritance.

Ji Woon's heart is put at ease now that he thinks his bro, Dong Joo, isn't a rival. This means Ji Woon once again bugs Soo Wan into meeting him for dinner. (In his defense, Soo Wan needs to stop leading him on. When you break up with someone, don't answer their calls and don't have dinner with them.)

While Ji Woon and Soo Wan are out at the restaurant, Dr. Evil is once again begging Dong Joo to not be with his daughter. Dong Joo asks the very valid question of what does Dr. Evil have against him? Why is he not good enough for Soo Wan? Dr. Evil doesn't answer and simply storms out.

Confused about the whole situation, Dr. Evil turns to Dr. Oh No! for confession. He tells her about the evil deed he did back in the day, allowing Jung Hwa to die (even though she was really dying from whatever was injected into her I.V. by Mystery Man.)

After the dinner, Soo Wan leaves Ji Woon behind. They both start walking in the rain as they think back to the beginning of their relationship. Also walking in the rain is Dong Joo, thinking back to his relationship with Dr. Evil. Soo Wan and Dong Joo meet up in front of the fire house. Seeing that the dinner date didn't go well, Dong Joo pulls Soo Wan into his arms for a comforting hug. Neither see a shocked Ji Woon standing at the corner watching them.

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